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Hello Again fellas!

Long time we don't see!

Sorry for the lack of "news" with this one i had alot of issues related to IRL to do the "weekly report" as promised and was more on focus on fix some stuff related to SFM port

But going back to the topic

Captain Amelia!


-Why not?

Not the first thing what came to my mind when i think on Furry characters but an interesting pick what reminded me to Carmelita Fox... the character was Challenging to accomplish due her exaggerated face features but i guess i did a decent job keeping my style on her



What features?

THIS package contain in a StandAlone format

-Captain Amelia body model with all basic features of current gen

-2 Sets of cloths including underwear under the Captain suit category
and a "Kei Yuki" inspired Outfit"


-Model lack of Procedural bones

-some flexes names are under "UNKNOW" or "Petruz-Flexes" tab please check them out if you can find flexes there

-Add Lazer Musket
-Add another sexy cloth
-Add Names in the default animation group


Check the Corrective flexes for outfits, theres 2 separate flexes for each outfit

Disclaimer and terms:

the content are given as is,
-A Source Engine Addon Model format for Valve's "Source Filmmaker"

Any function beyond of that aren't supported to refunds or assistance for bugs

The Blend file are not made for  Animations in blender but YOU are free to set the tweaks or modifications needed to make it work in blender or to other engines as you don't redistribute the model files it UNTIL the model get public and free when the author of the original files "WarfareMachine" consider it and release in the officials accounts

Any detailed information about ports/edits and redistribution please check this article

ANY BUG OR MALFUNCTION PLEASE REPORT in #support channel OR sent a Note in patreon ASAP!

and again salutes comrades! WM OUT

Personal notes:

Yet another Delayed proyect what underdelivers from previous ones, i hope the next one go with lesser complications
sad considering what amelia its surprisingly "desired" character, not gonna like she looks "OK" to me but i really respect her as desing, was cool to make her even under all the shitshow what this month was for me  


Captain Amelia proyect - Google Drive


Elizabeth Doyle

is the password the same for amelia cause it saying the password is wrong

Yume _ Mc

i try my best for sfm


the pirate and captain clothes have missing textures