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As i mentioned previously, the winner of the poll was the Media with Really Close margin.... what is kinda Meh however the formula of previous polls will be repeat so


the May model will be Tematic and the poll will consist in 2 stages to balance the demand

first of the branch of a specific media and the 2nd will consist of 2 rounds of several characters from different franchises of that media

the 3 most voted character will set in a final poll what determinate the model to be crafted for the march reward

i will choose the characters once the media its set, but i will add suggestions :3

in all chases i will set a list of exceptions for the project

the model in all cases cannot be:
A Pokemon
A StarFox Character (for now)
A Feral Character
A character with underage Status (or at least be suggested to be builded in underage form)
A PONY from MLP (there's a tons of them and better people to craft them, i let them for the xperts

from there don't be shy and select your media!


since the last videogame poll was the one selected the past month
and was a really LOTS of suggested characters where most don't reached the 5% of the votes
This time I will choose the available characters for the 3rd poll if videogames won again

Since most of the characters suggested the past time dont become relevant or they was barely know the goal its looking for the best know or better design characters to compete in similar manners, and don't get obliterated by a specific one *Cof* *cof* Deathclaws *cof*

so the suggestion box for Video games will be closed and i will pick the contricants for the following poll

all others options are open to suggestions like happened the March poll and the characters will be posted in Discord for approval

good luck comrades!

rules simple

the poll will be open 24 hours and one vote per person!



Voted for tvshow/anime because there is a lot of video games character everywhere.. But well it's a democracy the winner choose.