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(image courtesy of ALANCAMPOS)

ok i know this character 5 days ago (never played FF) and was the most interesting character on the list IMO
but i didn't know she was so popular! all her artworks are precious and most importantly consistent each other making it one of the most easiest characters to get references what i found in my whole career

however everything rely into a poll where i voted too and it surpricily competed with the well know deathclaw 3 TIMES!

so in a vs Earned the 57% of the votes vs the deathclaws what it's incredibly surprising for me making this a really strong rival for a average character and if you ask me if i will go to do this character vs a Krystal model i will go for this one, for some reason this character shines nobility in his personality

Yea, will get lewded as fuck w/o her cloths but everyone knows what im a person who really like do characters in cool outfits and bad ass looking armors too making  neat for SFW posters just begin lewd when there's are no clothes at all (and some face gestures >:3 and the main reason why i don't like do really busty characters or hyper sexual shaped characters)

the only con of this character its... it gonna be one of the most challenging characters what i ever made, (not as much as the deathclaws) but will be do lotta of job in the craft of this little gal and i will try to put all my love and skills on her.

the model crafting will start the 2 of March with a stream! stay tuned to the discords pings and some FA or DA journals tracking the whole process of the building specially the Discord channel #workstations where i post every progress of all my models

see ya comrades!


Reiku Yin


Sumerian Dragon

aaawwww i wanted the deathclaw T_T its a shame, well, fair is fair.


Quite miffed that sly didn’t make it but I can wait for next time , you’ll have “bigger” things on your mind anyway .