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For now i got this.. the base of the model are 90% done.. also the "pink skin and red eye color" dragon are a exclusive pattern to the client but dont worry pals, he requested this dragoness to make a "generic" race so i will make Skins like i did witht he wolf models :3
the armor are a consept maded by him too but will be avaible for public too as some other cloth options like a vest similar to krystal tribal, and a some "rock" styled jacket and skirt

in other news, i will update the TAOMON and RENAMON 2019 model will get small hotfixes in mid of april

for now taomon will recive a fix about the materials (lack of normal in genitals) and the stereoFlexes (she lacks of it)

also both will be try to implement the "Procedural bones" what allow twist the wrist automatically what will be researched during the construction of the dragoness and will be implemented in models from now

also the production in the month of april will be TORIEL a commisioned model By Smoaer
and avaible in mid of may for patreons and months later for free

also in april 1st the Ultimate Shark package will be set free for everyone
(yeah maybe looks like a April fools thing but im talking serious)

that is all for now :3

i believe what the dragoness will be done around 10 of May
also we are discussing about the final "Wings" desing to make it look less generic possible
so we are listening to ideas

any comment and questions will be happly recibed :3

See ya soon



hmm the style of the armor, reminds of one game, Blade Symphony.