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Hello compatriots im going to announce the raise for the pledge of 10 usd what existed from the begining of the page to a new value of 15 usd

so all users who have the pledge of 10 USD montly now will cost 15 usd and will start from the 25 of this month (25 of febraubry)

this new price will vigent for a year aprox

the reasons of this new price are the next ones:

1: Quantity/Cuality and Content amount

Since i started just had the Fox and Krystal model and i seem fair give the models for free for 10 usd patreons

But unexpected motives its gradually becomes a amazing business,
i didnt expect in that time have alot of support and less become full time modeller and make 1 or 2 models per month so the 10 USD pledge was the perfect balance to get a decent amount of support W/o really need to sell the models manually, this is more effective and the sell method used in paypal

50% of my incomes comes from Patreons and the other 50% from commisions what mostly becomes a models what the patreons can get, i dont struggles the client with expensive comisions and the patreons can get a "Fine" model for the price of a McCombo once for month and the new comers can get all the models for the same price and still support and dont worry about lose important amounts of money just supporting 10 usd in the month

Also actually there are a significant content if my calculations arent wrong from here and the new year i can able to do 15 models as minimun so i guess what the next models will continuing evolving and especilly with the soon incoming blender 2.8 release the models will not just avaible for SFM too will be avaible for Blender file too and there will be a breaking point about the possibly what the Skilled artists can do with these files :D

2:Taomon and Renamon V2018/19

As you notice the IRAM its just in the corner of the month ;3
so i can say its one of my favorite models to date, however the features of the model and the amount of things what i did for her can easly cover the price of 40 USD!
also i preffer make her avaible for attract persons here and easly cover that amount in long term :3
besides im trying to make this release big! im doing a revamped edit based on a Renamon 2018 modification and now using the same TAOMON bodyfeatures and the edited renamon 2018 head
No big news to this one just a massive update for the renamon 2018, no a rebuild but looks kinda different from 2018 one
so we have the Renamon 2018-19 and the Taomon release for march! and yeah!
just need to be a 15 USD patreon

3: I will move
Possibly most important, i will move from my fathers home and live alone in a rented modest departament :3 also now i will have to pay another thingslike the taxes and the rents itselft so with this changes i will living confty to unleash my work
possibly move in first days of march i have the entrance paided so just need to leave the actual place

and again! thanks everyone for all this fellas :,D

i will keep you updated about the proyect for March, Yep Dragoness!
