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 Lunaris model its something what i said lots of times gonna to do a new "pokemon" this year
However Palworld come at Storm in the internet and i loved many of the desings, as it was obious, Everyone went to LOVANDER what in my humble opinion i strill prefer do a salazzle, and Katress its a potential future candidate, however i expected alot of people do that one too
but lunaris had potential of things what i like, elegant, posing sexy, alien looking, kinda not organic at all, it hits all my bingo tastes, like putting mewtwo/hatsune miku/XJ-9/lopunny in the same blender so i bet for this one and i fucking love it


  render by @Professorgebera
 render by @WooferSFM
  render by @GarBearSFM

also the PASSWORD FOR THE ZIP files:

Here are the files for the Lunaris All the assets should be under "Lunaris" in the seach bar Included

-Base body
-Black Dress
-Genital covers

the package its rather small in comparision of other proyects, i expected do more but since theres not much motivation to port these assets to SFM specially with trying to make the transparent part of the cloth work i decided to move all future assets of this model into the blender version

Today the package are provided with a very simple IK rig generated with a IK rigger, also eyes are possable just selecting eyeballs and rotating them

Not the most elegant method but it works

i will update her blender file during the next days and announce the mayor changes and upgrades since in a bit more loosen in limitations on BLENDER than in SFM

however i need to rush a bit
I need to start focus on this month proyect

Disclaimer and terms:

the content are given as is,
-A Source Engine Addon Model format for Valve's "Source Filmmaker"

-Any function beyond of that aren't supported to refunds or assistance for bugs

-The Blend file resources (not deployed yet) are not made for  Animations in blender but YOU are free to set the tweaks or modifications needed to make it work in blender or to other engines as you don't redistribute the model files it UNTIL the model get public and free when the author of the original files "WarfareMachine" consider it and release in the officials accounts

Any detailed information about ports/edits and redistribution please check this article

ANY BUG OR MALFUNCTION PLEASE REPORT in #support channel OR sent a Note in patreon ASAP!

and again salutes comrades! WM OUT


Personal Notes:

Lunaris represent many things what i consider not possible with my skills in the past, all thanks to the thinks learned with Parabellam and previous proyects like Julia and Jenny models, this time in a non experimental proyect with 23 days of production, STILL alot or problems trying to make cloth WORK on SFM specially when there are bugs and problems what make me back and fort i spent more time making things work in SFM than crafting stuff... what it sucks


Lunaris Proyect - Google Drive


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