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Warhorse would head into the apartment. She had been informed by Leviathan management that she would be having a match with Camie. Vampire squid herself confirmed it, going as far as to taunt Warhorse saying she’d not be going gentle, but even if she did she’d be sure that she could dominate her. Pris wasn’t gonna let her smug flirt get the better of her, and as she made her way into the room. She cracked her neck and knuckles. This was gonna be a brawl, a battle a-


Warhorse would be blinded as the over-saturated pink room blinded her gothic visage. It took WarHorse a second for her eyes to adjust to the room, but once she did she would be met by a massive master bedroom, a California king bed in the middle with Camie herself lying on it, wearing nothing but her headgear and a custom made “gift wrapped” leotard. Camie greeted her confused second with a smile

"Cam-I...what the fuck? You told me they were gonna put us in a...match..." War questioned as she began to look around the room and see how romantically decked it was. War Horse turns to look back at Camie and tries her best not to look like she is blushing even underneath her makeup. But if Camie looked close, Warhorse's red ears would give it away~

“Oh of course sugah lips~” She says in a very overly exaggerated tone “We are having a match like I said, a “Cupid’s secrets” match. You ever heard of it?” She rolls onto her belly kicking her feet like she was telling drama at a sleepover, playing up her smug flirty attitude even when she was secretly very excited about the match ahead.

“In short, you and I are gonna do some “wrestling” in this big ole bed, and all we gotta do is give them a result, and maybe a few pictures, but for the most part this is gonna be between yo~u and m~e” She smirked wiggling her finger at Pris.

War Horse was trying to make eye contact but also counteracting it by looking away with a very shy but trying her best to look serious face. "You- got to be... fucking...joking...we aren't gonna eh...- OK CAM CUT THE CRAP! We're not gonna seriously do a match like- OH I GET IT THAT FUCKING BITCH APHRODICK TOLD YOU WE HAD THAT ONE MATCH BEFORE UH! WELL, I TOLD THOSE PERVS AT THE LEVIATHAN ORGANIZING GUILD I WASN'T GOING TO DO IT! ESPECIALLY WITH NO SKANKS AND THOSE LEWD WEIRDOS! THAT'S INCLUDING YOU- you..." In her attempt to rant and insult Camie in anger, Warhorse got her first real good look at Camie. It was brief, but one look was all it took for War to get an image stuck in her head. That smug smirk, that tight fitting present leotard that didn’t exactly hide Camies body, with her sexy legs, her booty, her everything, practically the second she tried to glare as a For of intimidation, Camie countered by simply being sexy, leading to War Horse suddenly getting a nosebleed "AH shit! Don't look at me!" War Horse turns and covers her nose in embarrassment as her ears and her whole face and neck are pure red.

Camie herself tried VERY HARD not to laugh, before she got up, and slowly walked up behind  Prish, giving her a tissue, which she snatched and whipped her nose with “Okay Okay, How bout you calm down before your head explodes~ I mean I haven’t even done anything to you yet~” She teases, running her finger up Warhorse back before then gently hugging her from behind “Listen, Prish. This is just a little surprise and honestly, it’s not like we gotta show anything outside of some basic softcore tussling. But if you don’t wanna then we can always just call it off. I’m doing this cuz I wanna give ya a little Valentine loving” Camie gives her a genuine smile, looking to reassure her hot-headed partner.

War Horse feeling Camie's finger and her hug did get her to jump momentarily before cooling her down as Camie gave her some reassurance, talking to her genuinely rather than seductively. Trying her best to calm her nerves, War Horse took the handkerchief and whipped her nose before calming her nerves. Looking back at Camie, War Horse weighed the options in her head and saw it was Valentine's Day and Priscilla had been dating her secret girlfriend for a bit now…

"Alright...I will take... THREE PICTURES of this match together BUT..." Priscilla leaned forward and grabbed Camie by the shoulders leaning forward. Before suddenly shoving Camie forcibly for her to land on top of the bed behind her. "After those three pictures Cam... no promises if we get off scipt."

“Same here~” Camie teased, as  War Horse took off her jacket and threw it off, revealing her sleeveless turtleneck tank top. But that didn't stay on long as Priscilla pulled that up and off revealing a black bra underneath. As War Horse approached she began unzipping her combat jeans as she got closer and closer to the bed all while staring down Camie with authoritative eyes.

“Camie smirked as she enjoyed the strip tease, stopping War before she got to grappling, sitting up, and pointing at the ceiling above the bed “ Camera 1-“Then the wall “-Camera 2.-“ She picks up a little button showing it off “Flick up or down to change, press it to take the picture.  Just make it look like we’re fighting…or I can just beat you up for real~”  Camie teases in a bit of a challenging tone, even going as far as to grab her by the belt of her pants and tug her forward smirking, having them press chest to chest

Being chest to chest and eye to eye, War Horse never looked away from Camie and simply narrowed her eyes as they were close, Camie smugly pressing foreheads together, DARING War to get her back after she made her get a nosebleed. In a quick motion, War Horse would do just that, grabbing her wrists as she pinned them down to the bed.

"Ya better take that first picture now Cam, because I would like to see you TRY and beat me up for real. OR-" War Horse got nose to nose close to Camie "In YOUR kind of a fight~. What are you gonna do?"

Camie smirks, smugly smirking, clicking on the remote then suddenly

3 2 1


-before the flash, Camie quickly steals a kiss, leaning up and kissing War, who went wide-eyed in shock as the camera caught the pair kissing before Camie smugly lay back down "That one doesn't count cuz I’m not sharing that, but I'm gonna keep that one for myself. Your lips taste nice~" She smirked and winked at Priscilla,

Priscilla was shocked by the sudden kiss, but War Horse took an exception to this surprise. As shown by her blush and sudden smaller nosebleed. But War Horse wouldn’t stay stunned, as she growled before sitting further up on Camie and pressing her chest down on Camie's face in one fast motion, making her squeak as the pair were smushed onto the bed, Pricilla using her chest like boxing gloves as she battered Cammies face in an utterly brutal display that was not secretly enjoyable on Camies end. "You little-FINE!  If ya wanna kiss something, KISS THESE! And you know what- SAY CHEESE PERV!" Priscilla would say as she smothered Camie and reached over and pushed the remote button to take a picture of the moment, Camie's finger clicking the button on "accident", and 3 seconds later, the first photo of the match would be taken, with Camie SMUSHED into Warhorse's bosoms. However, Camie wasn't just gonna take it, and Prish told her to, so she very quickly began to nuzzle and kiss Priscilla's boobs, even gently nibbling on the fabric of her bra, her legs gently squeezing around her waist. Leading to Prisha letting out a less subtle moan before she rolled off. “GUH, You perv!”

“Correction, I’m YOUR perv~” Camie teased before getting up “Alright playtimes over, lemme show you who’s the boss in bed~”

“As if, I’ll make you moan like that pink slut and take pictures of it so everyone KNOWS, I’m the top!” Warhorse retorted, though her bright blushing face was not exactly backing up her claims. The pair would tussle back and forth, both going to try and get the pictures. Camie would get payback for Prish getting the first fall, locking in a single-leg Boston crab and giving her a wedgie, making Prish show off her freckle-covered butt to the camera. The pair would Tussle a bit more, trying to get the final picture as a way to claim they won the match, but Camie, clearly the more confident one, was able to exploit War’s greatest weakness!

Camie’s butt…. that's her weakness….like her sitting on War… Camie would sit on her face to beat her.

Warhorse's eyes widened as she realized what was coming, as Camie let out an adorable, youthful yell as she dropped onto her face with a butt drop! above Kat once more! The outline of her face would be etched further into the mattress, and more of the sheets and comforter would fly off the bed as Camie landed, giving her a nice face full of that plush, pillowy-soft ass scrubbing all over her painted facial features. When she pulled her hips off to reveal the grumpy girl's face, Warhorse would be wincing with one eye open, inhaling and exactly at a slow and steady pace for breath!

"Nnnngh...not done.....yet.." She would weakly try to boast despite looking like she was nearing "done" with each subsequent smother! "Oh okay~" She teased, as she hooked her leg, tapping the camera, smirking as she rubbed her butt into War's face, her facepaint smudged but the constant booty rubbing, making her look every bit as ragged and battered as Camie got the final picture.

"Mmpph! Fumghph!" Warhorse protested as she forced her nose and mouth into Camie's backside! A stylish, cute hip wiggle from Camie would ensure that she pushed back, pressing her right buttock into Prish's lips, ensuring that an impression of the involuntary kiss was imprinted upon that butt cheek! She was quick to follow up by wiggling her other hip, forcing another kiss to the left buttock!

After a few more moments of smothering, Camie finally got off, Prisha panting and blushing at how much her facepaint had been smudged, Camie giggling as she laid down next to her. "Soooooo~, I think I win yeah?"

"Tsk....y-you cheated"

"Sure~" Camie smiled, kissing Warhorse on the cheek, before pulling her into a dreaded snuggling hold! Warhorse protested a bit, but was too tired and flustered to fight, as Camie kept  kissing away, covering in a flurry of kisses,


Warhorse let out squeals and she melted into Camie's arms, and after perfectly peppering her she'd smile and snuggle her "Alright, that's enough for now~" She teased, snuggling her grumpy horse. "Hey, Prish...you wanna be my valentine." Prish would let out a little flustered grumble, nuzzling into her chest and giving her a gentle bop on the shoulder. "I'll take that as a yes~" She giggled, spending the rest of the night utterly smooching and snuggling Prish.



Akira Reinheart

*giggles* seems like Miss. Warhorse as a sensual side too..~

Jazz Mazz

Super cute story!