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Alrighty! Votes are iiiiin and Sardine is back on the Monthly Matchup card and she's going against- oh. So, there was another tie for 2nd place in this round of voting. And instead of simply flipping the coin in who was going to against Scovia- we decided to spice things up! So the little Scottish will go against not just take on Prish Kapoor but as well as Basking Shark in a 2v1 handicap match! And the stipulation, just that!

Will Sardine survive the disadvantageous odds and remain undefeated or will this mashup tag team pick up the W? All we can say is stick around and find out!  




There will be a new poll to decide what kind of match? This time I would like to see things going NSFW

Dennis Lee Jaap

Surprised this didn’t become a Triple Threat match with these 3. If could use the words “Triad” & “Trident” in this special match for names titles.