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So um... here's a "match" we would never imagine seeing on screen, but hey with LSL- ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!

Ying Tao, a formidable warrior known as the Goddess of Ink, the Pyscho Painter, and other deserving nicknames that have been placed upon her by victims and former "canvases". To those who don't know, canvases are...well foes who Ying deems worthy to be part of her newest art masterpieces. Although, her canvases most of the time are not volunteers, but merely defeated opponents who don't have a choice in the matter...

Weirdly enough, some fighters seem to WANT to be part of Ying's art projects and don't mind being inked. One particular Japanese submission gremlin who has taken a notice of the Ink Goddess's work would be Leviathan's elite; Mizuko Kajiwara. For reasons that we cannot explain, the little Koi Fish in person tried to play hard to get or in other words- asked, Ying to be part of the cool Canvas Club. To Mizuko's hurt pride, Ying would respond by revealing that she has absolute ZERO interest, to begin with, in making the Koi Fish into a canvas.

This turned into a bit of a circular argument where Mizuko began going from "You can't have me" to "why the fuck aren't you trying to have me?!"

Mizuko then began taunting Ying at every turn regarding the painter's taste in canvases/women. Jeering Ying for being too scared to try, how she's settling for mediocre crap by comparison, and when Ying actually asks if Mizuko just wants to line herself up to become a masterpiece without the hassle of a match...Mizuko goes right back to "You can't have me."

Eventually- thank god, the cycle would be broken as the Koi Fish ends up challenging Ying to a Bedroom Match. Why Mizuko decided to do this, something tells us that her recent match with Lady Lace may have something to do with this challenge~

Ying, normally not giving a damn about challenges that don't give her a prize, but more than willing to hate-fuck Mizuko to shut her up, eventually agrees.

If this story didn't get weirder or have another twist...during the said bedroom match... Mizuko won... and ABSOLUTELY blew Ying's brains out during the "match"/performance. Where did this come from? Mizuko being unable to handle rejection and therefore garnering more power than Ying or we could possibly predict?!? Learning a thing or two from Lady Lace?!? All we can say- is we don't FUCKING know!

Taking her throne on top of Ying's face while enjoying the spoils of war, Mizuko once again demanded to be Ying's canvas. In between breaths, Ying would once again deny Mizuko from becoming one of her canvases since her interest in the little Koi Fish still hasn't changed...
Ying Tao is owned by



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