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In a private padded-out room in the Leviathan HQ, an impatient Mary (Anglerfish) Kurat waited for her foe to show up. In normal circumstances, Mary would be wrestling in front of a live audience on the grand stage of the Leviathan arena. However, for this particular match, things were different.

A week ago, Mary was casually hanging out in one of the vacant Leviathan lounges and was catching up on the latest wrestling news in the newspaper. Just as she was in the middle of an article, someone entered. Mary didn’t pay them any mind until she heard the individual’s footsteps approaching her. Lowering the paper, she would see that it was Sammy (Neptune) Wang standing in front of her with the smuggest of grins. Not normally known for her social skills, Mary was instinctively annoyed about why the hell he was grinning at her and what he wanted. Sammy was scheduled to meet Anglerfish in the ring, but that wouldn’t be for a few weeks from now. Whatever the case was, Mary begrudgingly put her paper down to see what he wanted.

Now having Angerlfish’s full attention, Neptune had the nerve to hop up onto the table as if owned the place. In typical Neptune fashion, Sammy would go on a spiel about he was going to beat Mary in their upcoming match, how he’s been out-training her, and yada yada. If Anglerfish was being honest, she didn’t listen to half of the things he said. It was only when a certain line that he mentioned caught her attention.

“...Heard about that match you had with Triton- be a real shame if ya had a repeat in your upcoming match with me~ … With a similar ending.” Neptune cooed sinisterly. When those sentences left Sammy’s lips, a shiver slithered down Anglerfish’s back and her blood began to boil. To those who don’t know, the aforementioned match with Triton and Anglerfish was a private not-safe-for-work type of matchup where Mary ended up… embarrassingly gulping down Triton’s…trident. Mary hoped this private match would stay well- private. But clearly, loose lips has sunk the secret ship.

Mary could only stare murderous daggers into Neptune’s soul as he continued on with his mocking and even after he was finished. Reading the room, Sammy could correctly deduce that he successfully ticked Mary off while she stood there silently, probably boiling with anger. With that, Sammy carried on with the next step of his plan. Now captured Anglerfish’s vendetta, Neptune cockily offered her to change their already booked match to be a “private match” and with the stipulation of anything goes as long as the other opponents makes the other… satisfied- they win!

Knowing exactly where Neptune was going with this, Mary could help but feel she was being played into a trap! She was no fool. Yet, the way Neptune’s words cut through her pride like it was a knife slicing butter- she couldn’t help but accept this joker’s proposition so she could punish him later for it! Satisfied that he actually got Anglerfish to accept his new match stipulation he could finally start his true plans in embarrassing Mary and one-up his true rival in Triton!

Since you’re now all caught up, we return back to that private room where Mary was starting to get impatient and thought that blue-haired weasel might not show up after all. But she was proven wrong just as Sammy kicked open the door wearing some really cringe-looking aviator glasses. Although it was Neptune’s cocky smile that disgusted Mary the most. To go along with the tacky glasses, Neptune wore his normal tights and hoodie, striding up to the girl, mockingly bending over slightly. "You know, you should consider changing your codename to Pleco~" Sammy paused waiting for Angler to give some kind of response to the like of 'why is that Sammy’, but the girl was far too smart and angry, knowing what the punchline of this insult was gonna be. Regardless, Sammy pretended her lack of an answer was the same as her saying one, and took off his glasses, smugly lifting his chin.

"Because when I'm finished with you, what Triton did's gonna look like nothing! I'll wrap that mask of yours right around my Lil wa-" Before Sammy had the chance to make his pun, Angler kicked him right in the gut, knocking him down to the mat, and saving everyone in earshot from hearing the joke about his last name.

To put it simply, Sammy's insults hadn't really made the masked girl falter, in fact, all it did was make her angry, as she began to roughly kick Sammy while he was down, before then stepping on one of his ankles, and grabbing his leg, and beginning to stretch him into a forced leg split! Sammy let out a not-so-manly scream from the stretch, trying to play it off with a nervous chuckle "He-w-w-w-wow already aim-aiming for the groin, you couldn't be more obvi-AAAH!" Neptune yelped again, his extra tight....well tights, stretching to the point they ripped before Angler finally broke the hold. Following it up, she would grab his bottoms, pulling on them to lift his waist, before then dropping butt first onto his spine!

After the move she would spin around, With a swift maneuver, hooking his legs under her arms and planting her feet on his head, locking in a reverse Boston crab. With a somewhat devious delight, Angler would rub the boy's face into the mat, pinning his face to the canvas and holding him down as she wrenched on his legs.

"Gah! You ain't gonna beat me like this!"

"Can't agree, considering that tent in your tights." Sammy's face burst into red as he realized that his tights had a very clear tent in them, making him squirm more as Angler smugly ground his face into the mat.

She then let him go, only to then set up a follow-up, pushing his face up with her feet, Making sure to spread his legs slightly,  as she would wrap her arms around his neck for a sleeper hold.  She then pulled his head up as she began choking him, putting him in a mean camel clutch to try and weaken Sammy, which the boy's weak kick and squirming made clear it was working. Angler kept choking the boy harshly, squeezing tight around his head. The boy kicked and squirmed but couldn't get away. Angler would once again look to humiliate the boy further, pulling his hoodie over his head to blind him, before sliding a hand down and teasing his nipples to humiliate him more as he was trapped in the humiliating hold, mixing pain with pleasure.

After a few moments of this, Sammy would then be yanked back to his feet, Angler trying to lift him, but the boy would quickly counter, reaching up and pulling Angler's mask to block her vision. The girl was unable to see, and the boy would take the chance to counter, leaping up and grabbing the blinded woman's head, before bringing her down onto his knees, to nail her with a 'Neptune's Bread' codebreaker!

The move stunned Angler, who would bounce off Sammy's knees and flopped down to the mat, her chocolate cheeks giving a nice jiggle as she landed. Sammy would pant a bit, pulling his hoodie down more, protecting his nipples as he would quickly get up again.

The codebreaker had stunned Angler, and as such Sammy took the chance to humiliate her right back, rolling her over and shoving a foot right into her face! “You probably love the taste of de-feet!” He mocked, beginning to use his foot to wipe his semi-sweaty foot on her features. The boy laughed and taunted the girl more, pulling angler up to her knees as she grabbed his tights. "How bout this~" Sammy smirked, pulling his tights down, letting his member flop out and smack Angler on the forehead.

"Oh yeah that's right Pleco~, won't need your Lil mask when I'm done with you~" He snickered, planting his lower half right on her face, as he reached down and grabbed the back of Angler's head. He then would yank her face in, letting out a little moan as he forced her face into his groin as tightly as he could, not putting his member in her mouth yet, but more sensually grinding his bulge all over her face and smothering her with his cock and balls! "Mmmmm~, that's what Triton doesn't get, you gotta make them want your trident instead of just giving it to'em~" He taunted, a grin taking over his face as his slim thighs and plump rump began to shift back and forth, grinding his bulge against her face as she squirmed, already getting to work on humiliating her as best he could, while his lengthy shaft rubbing on her face, it no doubt clued her in as to how excited the whole situation had made him

"You ready to quit yet sucker~" He teased, grabbing the girl's mask and pulling it down, to see the lustful look in her eyes.

The only problem was that the look in her eyes was anything but lustful, it was full of anger and embarrassment.

"Wh-" Before Sammy even knew what was going on, the boy was suddenly lifted off the mat, and suddenly swinging him down into it with a brutal powerbomb! The impact made him clutch his back, his pants still down as he tried to stand back up, only to let out another rather girly stream Angle would kick him right in the ass! He would squirm trying to get back up to his feet, but Angler was there to meet him.

Angler would pump her leg back, Sammy quickly grabbing his nether region to block it, only to end up bent over, perfect for her to wrap an arm around his head and snap down into the mat with a sharp DDT! Sammy would end up with his face down and ass up, Angler snickering at the humiliating pose for the boy. "You want me to suck ya off?"

Angler would lift him, flipping him upside down and hefting him off of the mat into tombstone position! But while holding her tight to his body, she would position her mask under his erect member, beginning to lick and tease his mini trident, making him moan.

"Anything to say, Sam?" She asked, Sammy simply whining and moaning "I-I didn't mean it"

"Sure you didn't" Angler would drop him into the mat, and he was left writhing and squirming as his face was smushed against her lower regions, Angler sucking off his member


He moaned, breaking as his head was squished between her thighs, Angler sucking his length, aggressively teasing him as they both moaned out in submission, Angler's tongue working overtime to pleasure every part of his soft member, which would throb as he was teased in every sensitive area, and eventually, she would finally driver him over the edge. "AH~ Oh my god, I-I-Uuuuugggggghhhh!" Sammy groaned and moaned as his juices spilled out into her mouth, his legs twitching, mouth open wide, and tongue flopping out as his features contorted with pleasure and embarrassment so vivid, you could practically see it on every part of his face!

Angler would let the boy's leg drop, his lower body twitching with post-match pleasure, Angler smirking to herself and seeing the boy's face, drooling and lustful. "Well Sam, I'll give you this. That was more enjoyable than Triton's~" The girl teased, before scooting back, basking in the glory of her humiliating victory over her foe.

The art was done by a close friend of mine so thank you for this <3

My talented friend who helped me with the writing: https://www.deviantart.com/manysweetmany

Angler belongs to https://www.deviantart.com/clawsomepawsome



Sweet Soft

Well Sammy got what he wanted :)

Jazz Mazz

Super cute match!