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Having sent out the challenge to anyone to face her, which would be chosen by her simps, Mizuko was put in a match-up against the lovely Lady lace! Mizuko would also allow Lady to choose the location of the match, the blonde beauty choosing what many could see as her home turf, being a lovely bedroom! It was a lovely little space, with the camera's around, pillows, and a queen-sized bed for the pair to tussle on. The quality of the displayed bed and room was unquestionably good. There was enough room for the both of them, but it also left little space for Mizuko to outmaneuver or run circles around Lady, showing already that Lady was very clever in choosing where the pair would face off. In fact, in just a few seconds of observation, Mizuko made the realization that she might have been a bit overconfident in letting Lady pick the arena for their lewd battle, but this wouldn't nearly be enough to deter her from going through with the match!

It most definitely didn't deter her from insulting Lady either, as Mizuko tossed her jacket off, making it aim to hit Lady who simply dodged it. The Koi Fish then rolled onto the bed first, smirking as she would flip over and lay on her back with a confident smile. "You know, if you don't wanna look like the big loser you are, you can just forfeit now and I'll just give these simps a show."

"Oh, sweetie. I'm going to have fun breaking these little delusions of yours~" Lady would adjust her outfit, Mizuko responding with a smug laugh, pointing her toe at the blonde gal as she lay on the bed smugly.

"Well it's obvious you blonde baka~, you're a joke~. Bedroom fighters are just over-glorified soft-core porn artists pretending to be tough, I mean, what can you even do to beat me? Maybe you're gonna smother my face in 'pillows', or maybe you'll show me why they call you to lace fish with how fishy you smell down there ?" Lady would glare at the crude insults from the rather arrogant koi fish. "You're a mouthy one, aren't you? Tch. Well, the louder you bitch now the more satisfying it'll be when I'm making you sing a whole different tune later.."

"Pfft, yeah sure. Face it blondie, you're not gonna get me tapping any time soon baka~~~." Mizuko cooed.

Lady would crawl onto the bed, getting to her knees in front of Mizuko's legs. "You've got one thing right, Bean Sprout. I'm not going to be making you tap at all." She smirked. "I'm willing to bet a substantial sum that you're not all that experienced in my particular areas of expertise, so I'll be giving the Leviathan audience a whole new kind of show as I humble you." Lady would motion for Mizuko to bring it, ready to start the match.

"Pfft, okay sure you will bish, I'd like to see you even try to-NYA!" Mizuko's overconfident attitude lead her to not realize that with both of them now on the bed, the match had begun!

As it was clearly shown, Lady wasted no time, yanking the smaller girl's legs and trying to lock in a simple leg submission, likely to set up something more complex, however, Mizuko was quick to escape, only able to do so by slipping her socks off, leaving them behind in Lady's hands. Taking the chance to try to regain ground, Mizuko quickly tackled the back of Lady's legs to trip her onto the bed, causing the blonde to stumble and toss the socks off the side of the bed. Mizuko followed that up by getting onto the girl's back and holding her down with a simple back mount, spinning around and sitting on Lady's back.

"Wow~, already cheating to start, maybe it's cuz you really are a weak ass bish~" Mizuko mocked, spanking Lady and attempting to lock in a headscissor, stopped by Lady getting her arm up, stopping Mizuko from closing her legs all the way. Mizuko, having trouble with the submission, would look down, seeing Ladies regal looking lace tights, and the naughty koi fish would smirk, reaching down and grabbing hold of Lady's stockings and-


Mizuko would begin ripping at the girl's clothing, likely attempting to strip her to the nude, starting by ripping off the tights completely and tossing them away like she was opening a gift on Christmas day! Lady would let out a gasp, feeling the stockings ripped making her go wide-eyed in anger. "This ensemble costs more than your net worth, Bean Sprout, so I hope you're ready to pay up for repairs once I'm finished with you!" Mizuko simply respond by smirking and flipping off Lady "Cry about it, you talentless pornstar bish~"

"I'm excited to see how fast I can drain your wallet once I'm done draining you in... other ways." She would toss her hair back, lifting her waist up. "I've been watching you for a while, Bean Sprout, and to say you have this coming is a master class in understatement." Lady would prove this by pulling on the bed sheets, making the koi fish stumble as her hand slipped, leading to her loosening and eventually breaking the submission. Lady then would shove the girl off, making Mizuko yelp and flop to her belly, as she got to her knees, Lady would quickly jump up and hit a rather smooth moonsault onto her back, before then rolling onto her back. Mizuko tried to push up, but the covers made it difficult, and Lady knew that. Lacefish then would wrap her feet around, placing them intro of the Koi fish face and sitting on Mizuko's head, smothering her face into her soles. She would smirk as she now had a position of power, Mizuko kicking around, unintentionally jiggling her butt.

"Those stockings are very expensive. You will be getting your punishment for such an uncaring move." She would toss her hair back, lifting her waist up." But in all honesty, you've had this coming for a long time haven't you?" She swatted Mizuko on the rear, before then teasingly giving her a little wedgie, groping her rear more just to show it off. Mizuko let out muffled squeals into Lady's feet, which wiggled and even pinched at the fishes nose as she kept squirming around, and the only thing she was able to do was pull at the now torn stocking of Lady along with, once again, flipping off Lady, who simply slapped her hand away as she smothered and spanked her more.

Mizuko would finally be able to push Lady off, doing so by shoving her up and twisting around on her back, and just as Lady tried to sit back down to regain the ground she lost, Mizuko would kick her feet up, wrapping her ankles around the blonde girl's head for another headscissor, before sitting up into a victory roll hold!

"PAYBACK TIME BISH!" She would grab onto the bottom half of the one piece firmly,  hiking them up to give the girl a MASSIVE wedgie, highlighting Lady's pale booty to make it nice and presentable for both herself and the audience at home! Once she got her in the hold, she would raise her free hand to begin spanking her on the rear! Mizuko smirked as with slap after slap, she swatted Lady's sizeable, round asscheeks, spanking the Lacefish as she was trapped in a victory roll, getting payback for when Lady did it to her!  Mizuko would alternate with stinging spanks to both her cheeks like she was playing bongos, much to her enjoyment and Lady's anger! "I bet my fishy simps are enjoying this one. Probably nothing new for a no-talent bish like you, I bet you probably love~~~ to show off your big fat bum!" Mizuko ridiculed, grabbing at Lady's coat and once again tearing the fabric to rip and expose her ass and body more! After a few moments, she even would get up, only to spin around and shove her feet into her face, rubbing them roughly on Lady's face. "Bet I can smudge your basic ass makeup!" She mocked as her bare feet rubbed the blonde's features into her soles.

Lady would growl, getting sick of Mizuko's mocking, kicking her feet up and wrapping her legs around Mizuko's body. She then would pull her off, Mizuko transitioning out of the move again, but quickly getting to her feet, looking to stomp her foot back onto Lady's face! Lady would dodge the stomp, rolling Mizuko with a schoolboy takedown, and as the fish got up, she would charge, only to be lifted and slammed into the bed! After the impact, Mizuko tried to get away, but Lady was quick to get on top of her, locking her in a sleeper hold and rolling Mizuko to her back, making her yelp, wriggling as Lady began to choke her.

"You're an insufferable brat, Mizuko Kajiwara. And brats get punished."

Mizuko would smirk, lifting her finger and flipping off Lady, "You can't do sh-HEY!" Mizuko putting her arm out would backfire as Lady would kick her leg up, wrapping it around Mizuko's arm and pinning it to her side, the fish flinching as she had her arm trapped, trying to pull it out. "No fair!"

"But something tells me that's exactly what you want. Call it Domme's Intuition."

With Mizuko's arm still trapped, Lady would use the advantage to lean in and abruptly begin kissing the fish bish on her lips! Mizuko would be too slow to react to the move, a small blush on her face from the rather sudden smooch. Sure, it was gonna happen at some point considering the match type, but Mizuko was so focused on escaping from being trapped in a sleeper, so it was making the kissing all the more difficult to escape. The sleeper smooch lasted for a good few moments, Mizuko trying and failing to get out quickly, and without any ropes, she had nowhere to go as she was trapped in the liplock!

And what a liplock it was! Mizuko wasn't exactly new to kissing, but Lady's kiss wasn't as simple. Lady was VERY talented with seduction, and it was being shown with how expertly she would smooch Mizuko, who although was fighting against the kiss, had to secretly admit the hold was rather sensual. Everything from the feeling of her soft lips, the gentle touch comparable to that of silk, the elegant movements of her tongue, and even the taste of her mouth were all so sensually addicting. It didn't take long before Mizuko started to feel the effects of the choke, and in combination with the liplock, to put it simply, the entire move was not helping the burning sensation began to kindle between her thighs. By the time their lips parted, and Lady stood back up, she was lost in a world of humiliating pleasure, down on her stomach as she tried to recover, but Mizuko wasn't getting any breaks any time soon.

"At a loss for words, Bean Sprout? I can't exactly blame you. After all, I'm just a 'talentless pornstar bitch' and yet I'm about to make you cum your tiny brains out~" Lady mocked, pulling Mizuko back up, grabbing the back of her top. She then would yank on the fabric, a loud snap is heard as she broke the back of her top, causing the fish's boobies the bounce free! Mizuko would take a moment to realize what had just happened, pausing and looking down at her bare chest. "Eh?"

Before the fact her Boobies were being exposed had been processed in her brain, Mizuko was suddenly lifted onto Lady's back, her arms locked up making it impossible to cover the fish tiddies. "HEY WA-WAIT, NO, LEMME GO!" Mizuko squeaked as tried to wiggle and get free with little to no success, as Lady locked her legs up, getting her into a gory stretch! The bare-chested girl squirmed around, accidentally making her boobies jiggle around as she tried to break the hold, the lack of bra making Mizuko a lot more flustered than normal, especially after the kiss was fresh in her mind

Lady, watching the reaction, would snicker. "I'd say 'make me’, but you're in no position to do that, are you?"

"YOU BAKA BISH! I'M GONNA BEND YOU TILL YOU BREAK, I SWEAR I-I-I'LL-AAAAH!" Mizuko cried out in a flurry of flustered meaningless threats in desperation, as Lady stretched her more and more. After a few moments, Lady bent over slowly, before pressing Mizuko's face into the bedding. She then slid up, wrapping her hands around MIzuko's arms to pin them down, keeping her legs bent and trapped. Mizuko squirmed more, but before Mizuko had any time to think of a way out, she felt a cool breeze in her lower reasons, making her realize that her panties had stripped off her, the overconfident girl now enterally bare ass naked.

But more specifically, it meant her pussy was exposed, and Lady was fully intent on giving Mizuko some punishment. "I heard through the grapevine that you've got a healthy level of endurance. But I wonder... how's your stamina?"

"DON'T YOU DARE Y-Y-YOU B-BISH!" Mizuko kept trying to insult her, which likely wasn't helping her current spot, her tone sounding more nervous even with her insults, making Lady smile, blowing on her crotch making her squeak.

"Not telling, eh? Good~ It's been too long since I've gotten to break a brat like you~"

"W-W-WAIT N-N-NO DON'T, NYAA~" Mizuko screamed by there was nobody that could stop Lady now! Slowly and sensually, with the fish trapped in a spider crab submission, Lady would start licking the girl's pussy! Running a hand up her belly, Lady lovingly licked away, dominating the stretched-out fish, whose screams turned rather quickly into moans as she was dominated in the sexual submission. Mizuko moaned and squirmed, the combination of being stretched out and having her pussy teased was driving her crazy as nothing had before.

Lady had a smug smile on her face, but of course, even with Mizuko's moans, she wasn't stopping, teasing the girl's pussy, teasing her crotch more and more, before Mizuko couldn't take it anymore!

"NY-NY-NY-NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~" Mizuko would climax, her body tensing up and her tongue falling out of her mouth as her juices sprayed into Lady's face. Mizuko would have her crotch spray, pouring like a fountain from her pussy as the fish climaxed, doing it so hard that in the process of her climaxing, Mizuko would pass out, meaning Lady would be named the undisputed winner of this fight!

Lady would lick her lips, letting Mizuko flop to the bed. Mizuko's body was completely still other than occasionally twitching after the climax, Lady Lace letting out a little giggle. "Oh dear. Maybe I was too rough on her... Tch, well, she brought it on herself with all that insufferable yammering...." Lady giggled, rolling the dominated fish over, showing off the cum drunk face of Mizuko, knocked out cold with her tongue out and drool dripping from her lips, and her body shivering with pleasure. Lady then would sigh, sensually stepping over before then slowly sitting down on her face, brushing her hair back, any noise from Mizuko muffled into Lady's pale soft cheeks, Mizuko completely and smothered in that plump, round butt!

"Hush now, your part is over. You played it beautifully, Bean Sprout. I'd say I hope you learned your lesson, but where would be the fun in that? Come challenge me again sometime~ I'll be happy to drown you in your own juices again. And I'm sure you feel the same way~" Lady teased, rubbing the girl's crotch, defeating Mizuko in a dominant display!


Lady Lace is owned by https://www.deviantart.com/fabulousladyx

The writing was done by https://www.deviantart.com/manysweetmany

Check out both peeps pronto!




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