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You all have been waiting so patiently all month for this match and here it is!

Leilani Aukai (Coconut) has claimed 2 wins in a row, her longest streak yet. This has her feeling fairly confident yet subtly humble coming into this matchup. She takes on the masculine feline Rioku Platinum (Nekomata). A competitor who’s been showing flashes of being one of the more fearsome male competitors of the Leviathan universe. One that hasn't been seen since Kraken burst onto the scene, and then proceeded to claim the entire federation as his own!

For these competitor’s match stipulation, Coconut thought it would be appropriate if her guest opponent was allowed to choose. She was indeed praying that it wasn’t another steel cage match! And surprise surprise, it WASN’T. Instead a simple, but fierce Submissions-only match! To give those at home a bit more context, this will be a standard officiated match with the condition that both wrestlers have to trap the other in a submission maneuver, and coax a verbal or physical tap out from their opponent! If the trapped competitor manages to reach the ropes or their opposition puts in an illegal maneuver, the submissionist must release their hold!

With the stipulation ruling aside, let’s get to what you guys support us monthly for- HERE’S THE JUICY MATCH DETAILS!

At the sound of the bell, both competitors immediately rush towards the middle to cut the distance from the other to a minimum. Once Nekomata got there, he intended to stop there and size up his heavier opponent. As for Coconut, instead of stopping, she kept her momentum train chugging as she full-on bulldozed her white-haired opponent to the mat! Instead of stopping there, Coconut would immediately rush towards the ropes to give her momentum train some more juice before attempting a jumping Belly Splash onto her fazed opponent. Snapping out of it, Rioku quickly rolled out of the way and got to his feet to calculate a way to counter his opponent who he thought should be still immobilized by that missed move. But as he got to his feet, what he saw before him shocked him!

As you may recall, Coconut has been on a roll recently and she has been feeling pretty good about herself and this current direction that her career should be going- she’s been feeling more alive than ever. So with some extra love and self-appreciation to her body, Leilani has been accepting her own shape and curves! And with that, she started to realize her body has some benefits she never realized she had… including absorbing damage much easier than her fellow competitors!

So as Rioku dodged her move and Coconut was forced to land belly-first to the mat! But instead of landing with a thud, Leilani landed with a bit of a bounce in which fighting through the pain, Coconut decided to use this momentum to roll through. So rolling through this maneuver, Leilani was able to get back on her feet to launch herself back onto Rioku. Tackling him down a Thesz Press, Coconut used her full body to crush down her masked opponent. From this point on, it wasn’t a back-and-forth battle that many were expecting instead, it was the full Coconut Crushing! Running Corner Splashes, Rolling Sentons, Powerbombs galore- it was a Coconut showcase at a masterful stage. During this whole display, the fans were on

At one point, Coconut was able to lock in her match finishing Coconut Crab submission move on Rioku! Leilani and fans alike thought at this point this was it! The match was most certainly sealed in what many thought! But Nekomata would show he wasn’t just a crafty cat, but a resilient one as well! Even being crushed by the massive weight of his foe, Rioku did not panic and was trying to stay as cool under literal pressure. Feeling her opponent not giving, Coconut decided she needed to sit back up and reapply her submission even deeper! But just as Leilani sat up to reposition herself to apply even more pressure, Rioku suddenly lunged forward! This very nearly tipped Coconut’s balance off, but she managed to recompose and was barely able to reapply her hold at a lesser advantageous leverage. With Leilani’s feared Coconut Crab not fully engaged, Rioku had an easier time to inch closer to the ropes before she could reapply a deeper move.

At a snail’s pace crawling to the ropes, Rioku was trying to keep his steady progress while simultaneously ignoring the fact that his back felt like it was going to cave. The moment, Coconut attempted to stand back up to try for a better and tighter hold, but at that instance Rioku would once again try to launch himself closer to the ropes. And this attempt was successful as Nekomata managed to snag the bottom-most rope and caused a rope break to be called.

Disappointed by the fact that Rioku was one of the very first competitors to escape the Coconut Crab submission, but Coconut didn’t let this thought bother her too much as she still had a match to win! She believed As Rioku rested on the corner of the ring, he looked to be in prime position for a Running Corner Splash! Seeing this, Leilani launched herself out the other corner and went to the well once again to further punish Rioku. But as Coconut got close, Nekomata slinked out of the ring and onto the ring apron. So just as Leilani became airborne, she couldn’t stop herself from crashing into the corner! As her head stirred, Coconut’s new headache was made worse as Rioku nailed her with Rope-assisted Enziguri! 

This would be a continued constant as Coconut continued to try the moves that were once successful against Rioku seemed to be countered at every turn. Coconut couldn’t figure out how her previously successful moves weren’t hitting. To add insult to injury, Rioku seemed to be using Coconut’s own moves against her! This was part of the match that Leilani would learn about why Rioku had been nicked as the “Copycat” backstage by many other competitors. As Rioku continued to target her back, it was a damage race between the two to see how much punishment the two could inflict on each other.

After another missed Jumping Splash by Coconut, and crashing to the mat Rioku would roll through and then nail his own Jumping Splash onto the small of Leilani’s back. With his foe crying out in pain seeming to be temporarily immobilized, Nekomata knew it was time to start ending things once and for all! Grabbing onto Coconut’s ankles, Rioku would try the most daring copycat move yet. Using Leilani’s own finisher against her, Nekomata daringly tried to bend the bigger Coconut. The Boston Crab wasn’t as deep as Leilani was able to lock in, but with Coconut’s more unbendable body being bent, it didn’t take as much to cause immense pain!

While being stretched in her own finishing hold, Coconut refused to give up out of desperation not to be dishonored and lose in such a humiliating way. Rioku tried his best to coax Leilani in tapping, but without much luck in really synching the hold as deep as he would like- he knew he had to step up his submission. Letting Coconut’s legs drop to the mat, Nekomata switched his position while straddling his foe’s back and from there he locked in a bit more familiar submission to him. With much effort, slowly bending each limb into place, Rioku would be able to fully lock in his Cat’s Cradle submission manuever! Feeling her back giving out and there was truly nowhere to go, Coconut had to submit.

With that, our guest competitor, Rioku Platinum was able to grind and squeeze a win out of Coconut and pick up their first-ever Monthly Matchup win! Did you fine Patrons saw this coming?!? Would you all like to see Coconut and Rioku get another shot in the polls? Let us know and like always STAY TUNED!

(We also apologize for the day's lateness, college scheduling was this week @~@)



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