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The third winner from the November character poll brings us back to my OCs Emily and Mara, who find themselves invited to an unexpected Thanksgiving dinner.  Some voters wanted to see E&M in bonds, while others wanted to see their redheaded frenemy on the receiving end. The redhead gets to dom again this time...but don't worry, she'll get her turn soon. Perhaps in time for Christmas?
Also, I can stop calling her "the redhead", because she has a name now: Becca/Rebecca! This came about because one of you used my original description of her in the comments--"Bonus unnamed, cute, athletic game show host"--and shortened it to "BUCAGSH". I decided maybe I could use that acronym to find a name for her, and Becca was the closest I could sound out of the jumble of letters. I think it works well enough, so I'm going with it.
Anyway, enough rambling from me. I know you're just here to check out Emily and Mara's really weird Thanksgiving misadventure. (There's no alt version of this piece, because it's another that I think works best as it is.)

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wow this is crazy hot!


Very apt theme for this series' blend of comedy, innocence and naughtiness. The expressions - Mara's slightly alarmed submission, Emily's exhaustion and lingering defiance - sweetly flavour the generous excesses. Particularly love what Becca's done with Emily's legs.


Hell yeah Rebecca let's go girl!


Quite a fun thanksgiving-themed piece. Got to appreciate the type of gal that has parties where girls are put up as fine display pieces like this! XD

Second of Many

Becca! What a great name! This is such a fun piece. Apple as ball gags is always fun, and love how you've managed to do the food prep inspired bondage. The glaze really shows off their naked bodies, while Emily looks perfectly exhausted in her bondage after everything, which really sells the scene. Honestly, such a fun sequence


Comedy, innocence, naughtiness is a good way to describe the general vibe I go for in my work in general, but certainly in the E&M pieces. So I'm glad it comes across in a fun way. Thanks for the kind words.


Thanks - glad you like the name and the scene. Definitely seems like Becca is gonna have a pretty unique Thanksgiving gathering!


Can't wait for more of her! Who watches the watchman and all that, but kinky.


It's funny that she was just a supporting character in the debut pin-up for the re-designed E&M and she seems to get a stronger reaction from many than the two "main" stars (which absolutely is fine by me, as long as people are enjoying the little scenes at all). Seeing which characters emerge and take a life of their own is part of the fun of experimenting with new characters in general.


I get what you mean fully, the notion of breakout characters and how things can surprise us. Regardless, Emily and Mara are both fun as well, and so this chaotic trio fits just like a well made puzzle.


That's one meal that looks tasty