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The fourth winner from the October character poll is a two-for-one with more Emily and Mara. As requested, they're visiting a Haunted House attraction to celebrate the Halloween season, but things aren't going as expected. (No alts for this one, as the scene works best as-is.) Happy Halloween, everyone!

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Hell yeah! And the host herself returns! Man I am really digging how many adventures Emily and Mara are getting into.

Robert Snare

I'm envisioning them cuffed and kneeling in from of a barrel of bobbing apples, and being required to retrieve them while wearing ballgags.


Yeah! That host just can't get enough of taunting E&M it seems. I've gotta name her at some point. Glad you're digging the adventures! I'm enjoying them and am happy several you seem to be enjoying their recent appearances so far...which continues the fuel for making more.


That would be a very fun twist on bobbing for apples...for some, at least! Could be something to keep in mind for next season.


oh this is great! any plans for a possible follow up for this next halloween? would love to see this reach its natural conclusion


Thanks! I hope to keep using E&M more regularly, but no idea if their pin-up for next Halloween would continue this or be a new thing.