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The second winner from the March character poll is Professor Garlick from the Hogwarts Legacy game. I'm not familiar with the game, but it seems this character has quickly gained a lot of fans, so I thought it might be fun to have a go at her.  Here it looks like she's run into some trouble with one of her magical plants, but surely a student or fellow professor will walk in to save the day just in time...
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Icyartillary (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-25 04:02:23 [Comment removed by Patreon for being excessively horny over redhead witch babe]
2023-03-18 04:28:37 [Comment removed by Patreon for being excessively horny over redhead witch babe]

[Comment removed by Patreon for being excessively horny over redhead witch babe]