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The fifth winner from the September character poll is--the second British literature gal in a row--Mary Poppins. Doesn't look like she'll be flying any kites today.
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Totally unexpected . . . but wow. Wow wow. Love the sheer volume of string at work here. Also love that its the Emily Blunt version. In short, practically perfect in every way.


Quite a fun character to appear out of the blue, she's looking quite wound up indeed. XD

Robert Snare

Man, it just seems so wrong...

Second of Many

Love how you've captured Mary Poppins. Feels like the sort of gag you'd get in a Mary Poppins story. Not just the tied with a kite, but the way you've handled the ties themselves. Delightfully fun piece!




Practically perfect in every way


Thanks! Glad you like it that much. I initially set out to just create a YID version of the character that was a blend of both movie versions, but when I decided to go with an outfit from the Blunt version, the whole thing just sort of leaned in that direction.


Thanks! It was fun to do something a little different with the sheer volume of string.