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The second winner from the September character poll is She-Hulk, appearing with Beth the Waitress. These Marvel girls just can't stay out of trouble! I'm including two different variations of how the gag-talk text is presented, so take your pick.
Download Standard Version (Text version 1)
Download Standard Version (Text version 2)

(As is often the case, I had aidenke translate the dialogue into gag-talk.)



Fun stuff. Glad this is Jen in her courtroom attire too.


Yo I don't even remember tossing this one out, but hell yeah cause I almost nominted it! Fantastic work as always!


Ha. Nice 4th wall break.

Second of Many

Always great to see another Beth cover! Love how it captures the She-Hulk feel. The fourth wall break, the 'trial' text and Jenn in her lawyer outfit. All comes together to create such a fun scene that leans into what makes Jenn unique. Meanwhile, the ball gag looks great in her, as does Beth's chest bondage. Great job!


Looks like She-Hulk's gag order was given to both by mistake. That will tie them up in court for a while.

Robert Snare

What? You left her shoes on? I am so disappointed!

Robert Snare

So who the heck is aidenke?


I got to ask, how is aidenke doing these translations? Asking for a friend... ^^


The wink and the nod at the 4th wall and the goofy idea feels spot on -- and they both look great in your care! :D


Thanks! I had a hunch at least one person would be nominating her this month and was happy to oblige.


Thanks! Always was a She-Hulk fan and have enjoyed the MCU version so far, too, so it was a fun one to work on. Glad you like how it turned out.


Long time commissioner/collaborator/patron from the earliest days of YID. Responsible for the Kinky Curses universe, Harley's Harem universe, etc.


You'd have to ask him. He's got the magic touch for figuring out how to depict gag speak in text form...which is why I frequently just hand him my dialogue and ask him to do it rather than trying to figure it out myself.


Thanks! Sometimes I think the 4th wall is Jen's favorite thing to break with her Hulk powers.

Lucy L

Really love the 4th wall breaking as well as the included artist's response. Hopefully Jen knowing what kind of comic she's in will help her just lean in and enjoy whatever comes next...


Delightful. I love seeing A TMas character receive the DID treatment. Orphan Black needed more of it. Your design for She-Hulk looks wonderful.


Thanks! It's always fun to work with She-Hulk. Yes, maybe Jen will be able to just roll with what she's in for in a Beth comic. :)


I never did get around to checking out Orphan Black, so I really have prior TMas experience, but she's killing it as Shulkie. And, thanks, I've always had a soft spot for the character, so glad you're liking my take on her here.


Love for the character aside, it's just fun to see a character so strong brought under control.