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The seventh winner from the August character poll is a blast from the past, a bit of an obscure pick, with Holli Would. I haven't seen this movie in so many years that I barely remember it, but I thought she'd make for a fun subject.
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oh yeah Cool World!!! I fogot about that one. Well now we may be able to see Titan A.E. with Akima at some point now.


She looks stunning here, nicely braced in the bonds and giving that amazing attitude around her gag. Lot of fun with a real vintage callback of a gal!

Peter Ian Slinger

Hot DAMN! What a gem! Everything from the pissed off look in her eyes to her ropes and ankle bonds, there's so much to love here. Excellent work!

Second of Many

Unfamiliar with the character, but she looks great! Especially in ropes.