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The third winner from the June character poll is the Black Cat. Felicia Hardy? More like Felicia HARDLY can move!
Download the Standard Version Here
Download the Blindfold Alt Here  


The Phoenix King

Very nice! She looks like she's having some fun :)


She seems pretty content with the situation, maybe Gwen could join her in future


Brilliant art, and a brilliant pun! :D

Mark (edited)

Comment edits

2022-10-17 13:01:24 The standard version enhances the blindfold alt, making her seem even more contented to be made that much more helpless <3
2022-06-14 15:06:40 The standard version enhances the blindfold alt, making her seem even more contented to be made that much more helpless <3

The standard version enhances the blindfold alt, making her seem even more contented to be made that much more helpless <3


Gwen certainly seems to find herself trussed up in the YID world so it wouldn't be out of character.


Very nice! I have a special fondness for Black Cat. The issues of Amazing Spider-Man (194-195) where she debuted were published in my country around the time I hit puberty. I often reread those comics – particularly when I was home alone.


I was always fond of her as well, though she'd been around for a decade-ish before I discovered her. Comics definitely provided a lot of entertaining fodder for young minds!