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I'm kicking off the month with one of the holdovers from January's character poll: Cersei Lannister.  Past GoT pin-ups seem to have been popular, so I thought she might be a welcome addition to the roster.  Pin-ups from the February poll will start rolling out soon!
Download the Artwork Here  



Reminds me of the restraints in the Astrid set you did... wow, has to be a decade ago? God I'm old...

Lucy L

You're definitely switching up the bondage types on these last couple of pieces! You had that exquisite straightjacket and amazing gag on the She-Ra piece, Vi and Cait got some wonderful ropework as a couple, and now this GOT piece has some interesting wrought iron bondage with some fearsome dungeon vibes. It's nice to see so much variety!


Thanks! I figure variety is good for both the viewer and the artist. And I big meanie like Cersei was a good candidate for a fearsome dungeon.

Robert Snare

This actually could have been in the episode!

Second of Many

This is a really great piece. Love the contrast between your style and GoT's. Cersei looks great, and between the great choices of bondage and clothing, you really capture the mood and feeling of this piece


She deserves it.


Now there's someone a lot of people would like to see secured away. Always fun to see these "better ends" out there... XD