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Hi all!  I just wanted to give a quick update about about remaining January pin-ups from the character poll.
One more pin-up will be posted either tomorrow (Friday) or Saturday this week.  I'll let that one be a surprise as to who it features.
I also have THREE more from the January poll in the works,  but they won't be ready for release until later. At least some, if not all of them will make their way out in February.  The January  characters still in the queue are:
1. Cersei Lannister
2. Princess Aurora
3. Colette (from Ratatouille)
So if you voted for one of those, or like the idea of seeing them, know they're on the way in the near future, along with the last post that will be going up this month and whatever new art ends up being created for next month. 



Lots of fun to look forward to!

Ian McCasland

All 3 of those beauties, please!


Cannot wait, your works are always a fun addition to break up the work week

Second of Many

Can't wait, especially for Cersei. I always enjoy the fun contrast of your style and GoT. So many of your other pictures are so good


Will there still be a February poll?


Yeah, the GoT gals have been reliably popular posts so far, so I figured it made sense to throw a Cersei in there.


Yeah, same as usual. These will just be leftovers that are posted as I get to them.