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The second winner from the January poll is Carmen Sandiego. Admittedly, this piece was done a while back, at the suggestion of Comicaptor, shortly following the "July 4th" Carmen pin-up.  I've done so many other Carmen pin-ups since then (I'm always happy to take her on), and this one kept getting pushed back. Now I'm finally getting around to sharing it--Carmen once again getting into trouble as she travels the world.
Download the Artwork Here
Lots more January poll winners are on the way! 



Wrapped up tight and about to become one of those precious things everyone's trying to steal... maybe someone'll load her up and treat her like she's nice and valuable... after a nerve-shaking night ! XD


Can’t beat a classic… thank you again for bringing my simple idea to wonderful life.

Second of Many

Always love when you do Carmen. You do an amazing job at giving her a fantastic series of misadventures, and this is a great addition. You really use the mummification to show off Carmen's form, and love how you use the nature of being trapped inside a tomb to ask that famous question - Where in the World is Carmen Sandiago? It has that wonderful feeling of a cliffhanger, making you really want to know where her captor will take her and what new misadventures she'll find herself in there


"What a fitting end to your life's pursuits. You're about to become a permanent addition to this archaeological find. Who knows? In a thousand years, even you may be worth something." - Belloq, Raiders of the Lost Ark