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The seventh and eight winners from the November poll are another two-for-one: Carmen Sandiego (in her safari outfit, as requested) and Kim Possible! It seems the two of them teamed up for some sort of safari mission...unfortunately, it also seems that joining forces didn't give them much of an advantage after all.
Download the Artwork Here
One other November poll winner is in the works--Raven--though it seems she won't be ready until next month. 


Fabrizio Casalegno

Wow! I love this pair and this peril. Excellent work!

Lucy L

Well, the adventure isn’t over yet. I’m sure there’s a chance for the team-up to be useful. This is good enough for me though….


I think that is not probable for her to escape, I wouldn't say IMPOSSIBLE.


Love this crossover -- two girls who totally get it... and are way too used to this kind of thing. And maybe Kim's interested in seeing someone else like this for a change. :P

Second of Many

A fun combination. Looks really great - especially love how you've done Kim, capturing her look and make her stand out I'd love to see more of them teaming up and getting into trouble together. Especially in a picture like this. Similar tothe Katniss picture, I like the idea of an adventure gone wrong. Especially with the stakes and all the ropes pinning them to the ground, and the environmental context, gets a fun sense of danger that really makes this sort of damsel in distress scene works. You want to keep watchign to see what happens next. How will they get out of this? WIll they get out in time? And how cute and sexy will their squirms be in their bonds, as they struggle so sexily. Love pictures like this, that let an entire scene come alive


Carmen AND Kim with a promise of Raven on the way? Christmas has come early ;) Really fun artwork here. Thanks for sharing!