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The third and fourth winner from the November poll come as a two-for-one pair: Kara (Supergirl) and Stephanie Brown (Batgirl).  Each got a vote this month, and since I've drawn the two of them together many times as part of Aidenke's ongoing "Harley's Harem" stories, I thought I'd make another pin-up for that series.  Aidenke suggested a fake comic book cover (which is an obvious homage to a classic one), and since he had a logo already on hand, he volunteered to add the text to complete the look.  
Download the Artwork Here 

*Most of the other art I've done in the "Harley's Harem" series is still in my archives at the time of this posting. If you're newer around here and haven't seen them, you can bring them up by searching "Harley's Heroines" in my posts (I originally was posting it under that name instead of Harem).
Aidenke's description of the world his overall storyline takes place in: "These pieces take place in a version of the DC universe where Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy have traded in a life of crime for a life of tying up and teasing a bunch of different superheroines... sometimes whether they like it or not! (Though, most of the time, they very much like it... even if you won't be able to get them to admit it!)"


Lucy L

Kara and Stephanie sure seem to have a special place on Harley and Pam's roster. But they seem to enjoy it! Also, that's a hell of a gag on Diana....


Can we get a clean look at the poster on the wall?

Robert Snare

Damn, that's fantastic!


Ooo, I love that Kara has a belt now too


Yeah, clearly Harley loves those gals...good thing it seems to work for them, too. And I figure Diana would require a hell of a gag.


Unfortunately, I took the lazy way out and only drew the ones that would be visible (even the ones where you can see a partial glimpse of them were never drawn completely). So there really isn't a clean version to speak of, otherwise I'd be happy to post it.


It was only fair that she get one eventually (fair to whom is up for debate...)


I'm glad you got a kick out of this concept, because the cover homage is a delight! Their expressions are amazing, it's so neat seeing the girls in your recent style too. Thanks for letting me help out with the cover logo and text -- I hope people enjoy the fun! :)


Now we just gotta wait for Pam and Harley to get their own belts so they can match (on that note, I know what I'm requesting for next months poll)


I would recommend against sharing the artist's not-publicly-posted Patreon content on public websites though... especially if you want more content from them. Just sayin. ;) https://www.dropbox.com/s/e8veu25wi74ruoq/YID_PubPost.jpg?dl=0


Glad you like it. Thanks for tossing the cover parody concept my way, and for pitching in with the logo and text and stuff. Good to work with the girls again after a bit of a hiatus!

Second of Many

Always love when you get the chance to do things with Steph and Kara. And this is a really great cover. The original X-Men cover is a classic for a reason, and you've really managed to capture the strengths. This really feels like a wonderful snapshot of an exciting moment, which really makes the scene come alive. Details like the giant spotlight being shined at them make this scene come alive. Create a sense of tension and energy to the scene that helps avoid it feeling static and one note. Which is even better, considering how sexy the scene is. Always love you bondage kit for Stephanie, and the way you do Kara's shirt pulled up and skirt pulled up by whatever crotch bondage Kara has this time. And in this picture in particular, they really help the sexy scene really come alive. The attention to the outfits really sell the sexiness of the scene. All the detail really brings this picture to life. And the rest of the cover elements really work, giving the entire image both the feeling of authenticity and just enough other elements to ensure it doesn't feel empty. Creates a claustrophobic feeling for our heroines that really enhances the piece. So much else I could say. I think this in one of your best pieces recently


Love this! …the fact Stargirl, Wonder Woman and Zatanna all have semi-cameos is just brilliant… but who are those we partially see, but can’t read their names?! Love me a good mystery!


Much bigger fan of the more nude posts

The Phoenix King

I know I seem to be saying this a lot lately, but this is one of your best pieces yet! You chose a great cover to homage, and both of the main girls look amazing. The tantalizing glimpses of the other heroines on the poster are really good too, and I'd definitely be interested to see this series continue in some fashion. Keep up the great work!


Thanks! Glad you enjoyed this one. It was fun to do a cover parody while trying to keep the usual energy of Harley's favorite two gals.


Thanks. The one whose face we partially see on the second row is Miss Martian (pretty hard to tell without the colors!) The obscured one next to Courtney/Stargirl is Cyclone. The bottom row is Black Canary, Huntress, Babs Batgirl and Zatanna.


Thanks - say it all you want, I'll never turn down the encouragement! But seriously, it is good to know when pieces are especially enjoyed. It was definitely fun to put together this little homage.