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The second and third winners from the October character poll is kind of another two-for-one, in a way.  Two different characters reimagined in the same pose!  In this post, we have Catwoman, and in another post (which will be going up at the same time as this one), we have Catra (with a guest appearance by Adora).   Enjoy!
Download the Artwork Here 



Selena seems much more chill about the situation than Catra does.


Delightful <3

Second of Many

Love Catwoman in this. Little touches like the darker colours compared to Catra's picture really sell Catwoman's character - it feels straight out of Batman TAS' Dark Deco design aesthetic. Catwoman's expression is brilliant, and the ball gag looks so good in her mouth. YOu did a great job with the base sketch, and it has worked so well for both cat themed characters. Both look so sexy, in such different ways, while maintaining the same pose and with a couple of well chosen differences. Would love to see more experiments like this


She doesn’t have her girlfriend teasing her like Catra does, so makes sense she’d be a little more chill…for now at least. :)


Thanks, I always love a chance to work with a classic BTAS version of a bat-character. And the two-in-one experiment was fun. It all came from the fact that I knew I wanted to do both characters this month, but couldn’t decide which one best fit my “scratching post” idea. So I finally said “why not both?”