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The first winner from the October character poll is a two-for-one, with both Harley Quinn and Ratcatcher 2 from "The Suicide Squad" in a bit of a predicament.
Download the Standard Version Here
Download the Hooded Alt Here
Isolated Pictures of Harley and Ratcatcher from the pin-up

(And Aidenke heled with the dialogue he's known to sometimes do.)


Second of Many

Really love the hood. Something about a simple bag over the head really works for (I think because it is almost inescapably tactile, which really sells the scenario). And Ratcatcher with a bag over her head fits so perfectly. I love it. Something so simple and rough is the perfect fit for the rat girl. And I still believe you draw some of the best hoods. Especially when you do something playful like Harley's hood here. Fits her perfectly, Love how it bulges out, really making the image come alive. And the twin diamonds work perfectly And I always love alternate dialogue for variants. Great job with the alternate dialogue here Also, really appreciate the isolated pictures, especially given how Ratcatcher's bondage naturally meant she was hidden behind the cage. It fit the picture perfectly, but I love seeing her image isolated to fully appreciate the effort you put into her character. And I really love have a good look at how cute having that collar around the bag over Ratcatcher's head makes her look


Man, the leather outfit and the setup here is delightful. Got some fun shades of a few older producers while these two are stuck together for a bit. There's something so fun about the snug cage for RC, while Harley's commentary adds a perfect dash of spice into the scene as she's happy to snark and not bothered by these events at all! XD


Good ol' Harley, never one to be bothered by a harrowing and/or kinky predicament!


Thanks for all the kind words on this version, as well as the comments you left on the standard version, which I got email notification of but for some reason isn't actually showing up in the comments here. Glad you enjoyed so many aspects of the scene. It was fun to put together something a little different than the same-old poses and scenarios (not that there's anything wrong with the classics, either). I imagine there's plenty of room for more SS misadventures if people enjoy them.