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I'm not officially open for commissions, but when a patron (Comicaptor) threw me a suggestion for a 4th of July-themed DiD scenario for Carmen Sandiego, the timing was just too perfect to pass up. I've been enjoying drawing those characters lately, and here in the U.S. that holiday is upon us, so why not bring the scene to life to celebrate? So here it is...hope it brings a little fireworks to your weekend.
Download the Artwork Here  



Genuine question… where is Carmen Sandiego? Correct answer doesn’t win a prize, but my respect on your usage of google.


Also isn’t YID just the best Carmen artist? Amazing work as always!


Seasonally appropriate, festively fun -- and just the right kind of pulp silliness to suit the show. Excellent work once again, as Carmen's feedback is quite stopped up by that excellent gag!


More like, "Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego GOING?" Love this fun drawing. So many fun details. Love the way her ankles are tied back. Another great CS picture!

Lucy L

Given the trends of cartoon villains, I’m sure the fuse is comically long. If she’s quick she might be able to enjoy the show from a minimum safe distance…

Second of Many

You combine the pulp silliness of the show with the use of cultural detail of the show quite wonderfully here. Feels exactly like the sort of danger Carmen could face in a slightly kinkier version of the show. Would love to see that version


My usage of google does show a google maps game one can play to try to find her...


Thanks! Yeah, I guess they assumed in advance the feedback would be mostly negative, so why not take measures against it. :P


Hopefully someone on her team stops her from going anywhere just in the nick of time... Thank you! Glad you like it.


Yeah, we gotta figure out which alternate timeline is showing the kinky version of the show so we can import it here.


Feels very Penelope Pitstop and I love it.