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The first winner from the February character poll capitalizes on current pop culture with Wanda/Scarlet Witch.  She received one general vote, and one vote specifically for her classic costume, so I made two versions of one pin-up: One that plays on the aesthetics from WandaVision, and one with a more classic comic appearance.
Download WandaVision 50s Wanda Here
Download Classic Scarlet Witch Costume Here 


The Phoenix King

Nicely done! Think I like the classic costume version best, but great job on them both all the same.

Lucy L

Someone looks like she's having a good time!

Robert Snare

Arguably the classic costume works better here, as she's just a random gal in her dress. Regardless, two fantastic illustrations!


Thanks. And yeah, that's the main reason I wanted to do both. One version that is classically the character, while still getting to play around with the theme of the show for the other, just for something unique.


Love the color tones you used here, and that's a great look as she's pinned down. Heck of a fine scene all on her own! :P


Absolutely love it! She looks brilliant with the matching gag with the costume that I might just have to get the blindfold alt

Second of Many

The 50s Wanda really captures the vibe of the show perfectly in its own kinky way. The way the power suppressor reminds me of the toaster/Wanda's repressed memories of the bomb from her origin story really captures what the show is about. The red is so well used. Just the right amount of menace. Must be hard to create a kinky version of something so specific as the aesthetic of WandaVision, but you have captured the sitcom utopia, the creepy undercurrent and made it kinky, all in one picture


Thanks! Glad to know I was able to tape into the show's aesthetic. I knew doing a piece in that 50's sitcom/MCU combo-aesthetic would be a fun challenge.


Would love to see more of Wanda in her classic costume or her magicians assistant. Really love these two pics of her