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Kicking off the month with a character who wasn't suggested this month but gets suggested regularly--Aloy from the Horizon games. I began work on this one the last time she was suggested. I'm not very familiar with the character, so I turned to frequent collaborator, Aidenke, who I knew is a fan and has commissioned her a lot from other artists. Using some of his tips and suggestions, this is the pin-up I came up with. Aidenke liked it so much he created dialogue text for the piece and added it with my blessing. Here we have two different variations of dialogue, suggesting two different storylines. If you all enjoy seeing Aloy, there could be more of her on the way. More art, including characters from this month's suggestions, will roll out soon.

Download Standard Version - Red - Dialogue v.1
Download Alt Version - Red - Dialogue v.1
Download Standard Version - Blue - Dialogue v.1
Download Alt Version - Blue - Dialogue v.1
Download Standard Version - Red - Dialogue v.2
Download Alt Version - Red - Dialogue v.2
Download Standard Version - Blue - Dialogue v.2
Download Alt Version - Blue - Dialogue v.2



As mentioned im the other post, you did some incredible work with Aloy here. The ropes, the gag, and that blindfold all make for one incredible combo, and I hope people keep on enjoying seeing here here! :D

Second of Many

The blindfold's looking great, and I'm loving the blue ball gag. Red always works for a ball gag, but it is jsut so much extra fun to see a gag that complements ALoy's bodypaint. Feels like something you could imagine some raiders might have, just to match the colour scheme of anyone bodypainte dup like that