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Hey everyone. 

I've been super busy with life recently with a whole lot happening, had to do a lot of random travelling and attend some events and be away from my computer for extended periods of time. This is why i have had issues with scheduling in recent weeks. The latest chapter of The Amazon duo had started right on schedule and i thought that i would be able to do the same with Heidi's discoveries but events have stopped me so unfortunately i had no time to deliver the start of the chapter as promised. The next pages for both The Amazon duo and An amazon next door will come out on friday and sunday as per schedule but i will postpone the start of Heidi's discoveries for next wednesday and i will be doing a double upload with around 20 pages all at once.

I will be more free in the coming weeks and everything should run smoothly from this moment onwards. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

As consolation know that i will start creating chapter 9 of Tamara this weekend so there is that ; )

Anyways, i'm once again sorry for the delay, i'll do my best to avoid any of such occurrences in the future.


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