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  • AMND 369.mp4



Page 369 is a video, you can download it below in attachments.

I will be posting the release dates of "Heidi's discoveries" chapter 4 and "The Amazon duo" chapter 5 in a separate post later tonight




The mom is the character I found far more fun and interesting as she transformed. She took over a town through orgies and beauty, I was hoping she would get more motivated and take over the nearby towns and draw people to her like an amazon siren, and continue to grow as more people worshiped her beauty and growing size. Then Helena would either stop her but not through a boring heart to heart, magical artifact or a spell she found or some such to ramp things up instead of ramping things down like has happened.

Giantess Adventures

The story was always supposed to be a wholesome one between Helena and John, i've mentioned this all the way back when i started it. Learah joined as a side character to spice things up, that's not to say that things won't change in the future though : P