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Hey everyone! I've been moving this update back for a couple of days but i've finally gotten the  time to do it. So, let's get straight into it and see what awaits in the coming months!

Heidi's discoveries - Chapter 3 is almost done with only a few weeks of uploads left. It only remains a question of will it end next week or the week after. Whatever the case there will be a small pause before Chapter 4 begins but you can expect Chapter 4 to start some time in the second half of February. Chapter 4 is gonna speed up the story a lot and make it a lot more dynamic. Throughout Chapter 3 we've followed Heidi as she went around and relaxed all the while slowly growing unbeknownst to her, but in Chapter 4 we will see a real evolution of the story. Can't say more about it right now not to spoil the ending of Chapter 3 but there is a lot to be excited about in Heidi's story moving forward.

An amazon next door - Chapter 5 is still ongoing with no end in sight. I've said it before and i'll say it again that this will be the longest chapter of any patreon story i've done so far and there is a lot more left to cover. It will also be the last chapter of "An amazon next door" but it won't be the last time we see Helena and Learah!

The Amazon duo - Chapter 4 of this story ended in december and Chapter 5 will begin at some point in mid february. I originally planned on starting chapter 5 earlier this month but i didn't have time for it so i decided to delay it for the next month. I don't have a set release date yet but it will most likely be in the second or third week of february. I'll have more news about it in the future.

What lurks in the shadows... - This isn't a name for a story, it's just a tease for something that has been going on. There are things happening in the background... Things that will affect many character stories and all of these things are being manipulated by a single person, who is this person and what does she want? We are yet to find out...

That's all for now. I'll be more active during february so expect some extra sets of the Amazons from The Amazon village!




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