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Hey everyone!
March is over and it's time to talk about everything coming out in april!
March has been a very busy month with 3 running stories and a couple of pin ups in between. Even though 1 week passed without an upload for "Selena's new toy" this month has had double the amount of uploads compared to the usual count with 125 new pages of content! It would have had even more if i didn't have the issues with the crashes last week but even so this month has been a big success. I was inspired by the big amount of new patrons and with the success of Tamara chapter 7 to make even more content so in reality this was all because of you : ) .
Anyways, time to take a look at what's coming in april

An amazon next door - Chapter 3 of An amazon next door is almost over. This week and the next one will see the last of the pages of chapter 3 and after that we will be moving onto chapter 4. Chapter 3 ended up being a long one and chapter 4 will most likely be even longer. Chapter 4 won't be starting immediately after chapter 3 ends though. There will be either 1 or 2 weeks of pause with the start of chapter 4 being either on the 21st or 28th of april.

The amazon duo - The amazon duo chapter 2 is going strong. Chapter 2 is longer than chapter 1 and as you've already seen with the uploads so far, it's much more dynamic than the previous chapter. Chapter 2 will continue through april, followed by chapter 3 in may. The story of chapter 2 will still be kept in the palace but as the chapter ends the girls will finally set off on their quest. The story will get pretty wild after that!

Selena's new toy - This is a story that i was supposed to end but i decided to continue it out of the blue after getting some very interesting ideas. This story doesn't have chapters and i can't tell you for sure for how long it will last. I have a definitive ending in mind but i can say with certainty that it will continue for at least this month, if not may also. There is still a lot more to cover and as time goes by i might get some even more crazy ideas and continue it even further. All in all this story is a wildcard which will continue for the foreseeable future.

Heidi's discoveries - It is safe to say that Heidi's discoveries is coming back! I don't have an exact starting date in mind but it will almost certainly happen during this month. I have buddied up with special someone and we've thought up an interesting story for Heidi which will, by the end, intertwine with a couple of other main character from the other stories. I will be updating you in the future about this project.

The timeline - As all of you know these stories are all happening in the same universe and they all exist for a reason. I haven't spoken about this before but almost every single of these patreon stories will at one point converge.  This marks the first time i am mentioning this. Due to all of this i've decided to create a timeline for everyone to better understand when the stories are taking place and also showing some of the locations where the characters are located. It's not obvious but some of these stories are taking place months before Tamara's story is starting and some of them are only happening a couple of days before it. I will also be adding more lore to the universe and the amazons in the future and trying to further flesh out this world as all the stories slowly converge towards one point. I wanted to tell you this but i haven't decided when exactly i'll be posting the timeline. I will of course be actively updating the timeline as all the stories evolve so you can better understand when and where they are happening.

That's it for april. I just wanted to thank you all for supporting me. Your support is the reason why these stories exist in the first place and i love when people interact and want to talk about the world that i'm building. I've mentioned this a long time ago but i'm always open to ideas. If you have any interesting ideas for the development of the stories you can freely message me and tell me. I've already implemented some fan ideas into the Tamara story for example so if your suggestion is interesting and fits into the story your idea might also find it's place in this world : ) .

And with that this month's update has come to an end!
Byeeeee : D



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