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Well, here it is! It's an understatement to say that this was well overdue but it is finally here.

An amazon next door was one of the first stories i launched my patreon with but i didn't continue it due to all the other projects and difficulties that i had in creating the story. It was always in my mind but there was always something else that needed my attention more but now i finally got myself around to continue this story.

In chapter 2 we will follow John and Helena as they get to know each other better as they go on a walk outside the village. Problems occur and Helena's growing secret is put in question as it becomes more and more obvious to John that Helena's size isn't just a matter of good genes. What is Helena hiding and what will John think if he finds out her secret? Stay tuned to find out!

If you want to remind yourself about how it all began here is a link to all the pages from chapter 1
-> https://www.patreon.com/GTSadventures?filters[tag]=AMND



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