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Hello everyone. I've been on a rollercoaster of emotions for the past few days trying to think of a way to continue working and upkeeping my patreon page and i might have found a way.
Long story short. I have found a possible solution to my issues and i will be able to continue working on patreon but it will require some major changes. The idea for now is to keep the "shutdown" tier as the main tier for october. You can all change to it and all of my content will become available on it throughout october. I will start posting all the "Amazon village" project characters again from tomorrow onwards with daily uploads. Again, this will all be available on the 1$ shutdown tier but also ont he main tier. Furthermore i will start working again on the stories and will bring the Tamara story directly into patreon.
The main subscriber tier which has existed so far will have price reduced to 5$ after october. I will be creating further tiers connected to the Tamara content since i can no longer use gumroad for that. After october ends i will remove the "shutdown" tier and the business will most likely return to the usual.
I've been really busy today and this is all i can tell you for now. I will be updating you with more precise details in the next 2 days, both here and on DA.
The good news in all of this is that all of my content will become concentrated on patreon and that i will be able to continue working and giving you a lot more amazon stories.

I am really sorry for all the inconveniences. As i said, this has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me the past few days but in the end i think it will all turn out well : )



I would look into making a subscribestar as a backup in case something happens with your patreon