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Hello everyone, it's time to talk about what's coming in september : )

August has been a very busy month for me. Had a lot of things going on so as mentioned at the start of august i simply didn't have time create as much as i had in previous months. September won't be any different, i still have a lot of exams to go through and it's a pain in the ass to be honest. I would really love if i had more free time to work on the patreon stories but for now it's gonna stay like it was in august.

So, that said, what is september gonna be like? At the start of august i promised some things which i didn't fulfill fully. I forgot to post some Liliana pin ups and shots i've been working on so that will be coming out at the start of the upcoming week. There is also going to be a set of videos with Liliana in 60 fps which i'm really happy about : D.

Apart from that i'll try to start woking on chapter 3 of Tina's troubles and hopefully have it ready by the end of this month.

I'll most likely also be working on "The amazon next door" since that story is easier to make and won't take away much time so be ready for Helena's return : ) .

Apart from that i'll continue posting pin ups for this month because as i said for august, i don't want this patreon to stay inactive even if there are no stories coming out. I will try to put out as much content as i can and there will be at least 1 or 2 posts every week.

Anyways, that's it for now, i'll be updating you all on how the work is going so you'll know what to expect.

Byeeee : )



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