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Hi everyone. It's time to talk about august

So, unlike the previous months i don't have a schedule for this one. Instead i will talk more broadly about it. Why? Well, to put it simply, exams, exams, exams and even more exams, meaning that i will barely have any time for anything from next week on but i will still try to create and upload every week. So, what do we have for august?

Enchanted, the story of Liliana's quest for power and her rise into a musclebound all powerful giantess, has ended. Liliana will come back in the future though, don't you worry about that ; ) .
Tina's troubles chapter 2 has also ended but unfortunately i won't be able to do chapter 3 this month. This will instead come in september.
Something i will be working on most likely this month is chapter 2 of The Amazon duo. It's a story for which i've invisioned a lot in the future and i will try to start it back up this month, i will be updating you on it.

What i will mostly upload for august are pin ups. I think the girls from Tina's troubles deserve some more love and they will get it this month. Liliana will too see herself in a lot of pin ups showcasing her new size and her glorious appearance.

There is also one other story i might start this month, the subject of which i'm keeping a secret for now : P. But you will likely see the new characters from this story later this month.

I know this is all vague but honestly i myself have no idea how much time i'll have during this month and i don't want to make a schedule and promise something i can't fulfill so i'm leaving it more open for this month. This does not mean there will be less content! There just won't be as many stories but that's it.

Anyways, this is all, hope you have a great weekend and i'll see you next time : D



sergi laparra

Hi, one question. Is it possible to see height chart from last chapter of Tamara?