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Helloooo everyone

I'm sorry the update for this month has been this late but i've had some difficulties irl and couldn't get myself around to do basically anything but here we are finally.

July will be a month with a bit less content than june. Instead of 3 stories there will be 2 weekly stories still ongoing, Tina's troubles chapter 2 and Enchanted chapter 3. I will be working on new stories as this month progresses but i don't have anything set in stone and will update you if something does come up.

So here it is:
- The Amazon duo - The first chapter of this story has ended but there is a lot more to go. I don't have a definitive date for the start of the second chapter as i haven't gotten to making it yet but the script is finished so there is that.

- Tina's troubles - Chapter 2 of this story is in full swing as the girls have some plans for Tina and her trusty sidekick Sven. We will see just what they have in store for them in the coming weeks. This chapter will end exactly at the end of the month on the 31st of july. I don't have the release of chapter 3 planned out but there is still a lot of time till we get to that.

- Enchanted - We've been following the story of Liliana for a while now. She has finally arrived to the tomb which holds the mystical powers she craves for. Chapter 3 still has a lot more to cover as she descends into the final part of the tomb and the end of her journey gets near. What will she find when she gets there? Will it all play out as she wants to believe? All i can say is that the end of her quest will be big!
This story has a lot more to cover as i've already mentioned and will spill into august.

That's all for the ongoing stories. I didn't plan on creating a lot more for patreon for this month as i have to work on the next chapter of Tamara on my DeviantArt since chapter 5 ended recently. But still i will try to put out as much as i can and will be updating you on new upcoming stories.




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