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So i've just noticed that one of my patrons has posted all the stories i've put up so far on my patreon out into the internet. Every once in a while i snoop around and check on if someone did precisely this and unfortunately someone did. I don't know exactly who did it but i have my suspicions. You have to understand that i've created a patreon as a sort of a motivation for myself to continue working and making the Tamara story on my da but also to expand the universe and create more for all of you. I've promised before that the Tamara story will stay free on da forever. Yes i started doing all of this for fun at first but it takes a lot of my time and when i see that someone has just blatantly posted everything i made here for patreon out into the internet and that there have already been thousands of downloads it just makes me sad. I could have made the Tamara story pay to see after chapter 3 but i didn't want to. I'm probably one of the creators who gives out the most free content out of everyone doing expansion comics. I'm not greedy and if i was this patreon wouldn't exist and i would just be charging for all the stuff i already have free on da. I used the opportunity of patreon to create more but also to motivate myself to continue working on the Tamara story for free.

So here is the deal
-All the posts of all of my work were posted on all of the sites on the 20th of may. There are 5 suspicious individuals who may have done this. Whoever did it come out and tell me or i'll ban all 5. I don't want to be cruel but i'm being forced into this. Come out and tell me or you'll cause 4 innocent people to lose their patronage. If this happens i will refund everyones money, just want to be clear about that. You have until sunday 5th of june to message me or simply write down here in the comments.


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