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 The Amazon duo is a story about 2 incredibly hot, adventurous and lusty BFFs, Alyssa and Evelyn.

They will go on a journey of growth and discovery as they are tasked to find and retrieve an ancient lost treasure all the while having to adapt to their growing bodies.

 Alyssa is a mage and is more focused and responsible of the two and is usually the one who leads while Evelyn is a carefree warrior and oftenly gets distracted by her incredibly active sex drive.

 We will follow Alyssa and Evelyn as they try to deal with the task at hand while at the same time suffering the burden of being stupidly hot and ending up in all kinds of troubles because of that.

This is just the short summary of the beginning of the story since as i said this will be a massive one with so much going on. This story won't just have smoking hot amazon girls but will also be elevated by very colourful and rich characters and a more detailed script. This is so far the most detailed story i've made and i'm really trying to make it as best as it can possibly be.




What a pair