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Hey everyone, it's time for a short update about what's coming out in june!

The making of Tamara chapter 9 took me a bit longer than expected due to some unforseen issues which i had to solve. Nevertheless chapter 9 turned out just as i wanted in the end. With chapter 9 out i finally have some more free time which i intend on using on myself. The 2 ongoing stories will continue and i'll talk a bit more about them in a sec but there will also be some more sets about the Amazons from the Amazon village which i'll also talk a bit more in detail. Essentially, the first half of june is going to be me taking a bit of a break and in the second half i'll be back with a bit more content. I'll pick up with more content in july and get ready on making Tamara chapter 10 very soon as i intend on putting it out during the summer!

The Amazon duo - Chapter 5 of "The Amazon duo" is still going strong as the story is starting to heat up. Alyssa and Evelyn are finally going to hear more about this quest that they were sent on and realize how important it might just be. There is still more than a full month of uploads for this story. The last pages should be out in the first half of july.

Heidi's discoveries - Chapter 4 of "Heidi's discoveries" has been on a short pause during these past weeks as i've prioritized finishing Tamara chapter 9. "Heidi's discoveries" will pick back up next week with some crazy new pages. The end of the chapter is nowhere in sight as Heidi and Aeryn still have a lot to do!

The Amazons - I don't want to spoil much for those who are yet to read through Tamara chapter 9 but it's safe to say that the Amazons from the Amazon village will play a big part during the last 3 chapters of Tamara's story. Due to this i want to create unique sets for all of these Amazons which will help explain and show them in more detail. Each of the Amazons is a person of their own, with their own behavior and desires. Some are aggressive, sex driven, nymphomaniacs while other are more docile, friendly and kind. Moreover, most of the Amazon characters have certain relationships with the others. Some are loved by everyone, some are disliked, some are respected and some are outright bitches. I've already done character pages for all 21 amazons which you can check out in the collections. I've also already done some sets concerning these amazons which you can also find in the collections. I intend on making sets like those for all the amazons so you can more closely understand them when Tamara chapter 10 comes around.
These sets will start coming out in the second half of june and continue in the weeks to come.

That's all for june. I'll talk more about the Amazon sets in the future but until then enjoy The Amazon duo and Heidi's discoveries!

Cyaaaa : )



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