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Hey everyone! This update is coming pretty late for a couple of reasons, mainly due to me being away from my pc during the last week due to holidays but also because i wanted to do both the may update and the big Tamara chapter 9 update at once instead of doing 2 different uploads so let's start with the big news first!

Tamara chapter 9: The Goddess within - The official release date for Tamara chapter 9 is 24th of may! The original plans to release it much earlier was scrapped due to a strange issue with a certain big scene. I can't spoil what it is but i did something i never tried before and it turned out it broke the game. This was a major issue since without doing this i couldn't really portray what i wanted not just for this chapter but for a lot of scenes in further chapters so i had to fix it. Luckily this was the first scene i decided to make and i managed to fix it and finish the scene. Sadly, there is a lot more i haven't finished, around half the chapter in fact. I was supposed to do it all by now but skyrim said no. Nevertheless these scenes will be easier and faster to make so i should be finishing it withouth any issues.

So, what should you expect from chapter 9? Well, it's going to be shorter than the previous chapter but with a lot more action, growth and fun with comparison shots. The girls are going back to their home and for the first time we will see Tamara's entire family together. Emma, Tess, Tina, Tanya and Tamara are going to be all together for the first time since the start of the story. Even so this chapter is not gonna be focused on their relations and more so focused on Tamara herself. After learning the truth in chapter 8 Tamara decides to put fate into her own hands and start her journey towards becoming a Goddess. She will be accompanied by Layla throughout a big chunk of the chapter and the two will make the first step towards spreading Tamara's cult.

I originally wanted to make this chapter longer with some additional scenes but i've delayed those and set them aside for chapter 10 which is going to be MASSIVE! Chapter 9 serves like a bridge between the old Tamara and the new Tamara as she makes her first steps towards Goddesshood. Even so this chapter perfectly portrays what i envisioned and even though it's around 40 pages shorter than chapter 8 it contains some of the most important scenes for Tamara since the start of her journey. You should expect some previews in the coming days.

The Amazon duo - Chapter 5 of "The Amazon duo" is still ongoing and there is a decent chunk more to cover. It is safe to say that it is by far the longest chapter of this story so far. With the end of chapter 5 there will be a break before chapter 6 starts due to how the overall story of the world is structured. Chapter 5 should continue throughout may and into june before it's ending.

Heidi's discoveries - Chapter 4 is in full swing as Heidi and Aeryn are about to start their experiments. There is a lot more to cover as the end of the chapter is nowhere in sight. Heidi is staying with Aeryn for now but will later continue her journey solo as she and Aeryn receive some very interesting information about the happenings in the town of Rorikstead.

That's it for this month. Expect more updates on Tamara chapter 9 in the coming weeks!

Byeee : )



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