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Hey everyone! Winter is over and spring has arrived! With it's arrival a lot of new changes will come and it's time to talk about them now! Strap in since this is going to be a long one.

Last month we had 2 new chapters start, Heidi's discoveries chapter 4 and The Amazon duo chapter 5 (Yes i know The Amazon duo technically started in february but eh : P ). But more importantly "An amazon next door" has finished for good. What does that mean for the characters and what will it mean for the overall story? Let's talk about it in more detail

An amazon next door - Helena's, John's and Learah's main story is over. We have followed John as he got to know the village and his first door neighbour, the beautiful Helena, and we followed Helena and Learah as the two grew into irresistable amazons. With Helena's and John's marriage their story is cemented and the two are inseperable now. This was their story and the story of how they found eachother and fell in love. But it doesn't mean that they are forever gone, far from it. John, and Helena especially, still have a big part to play in what's coming and will be a part of someone's elses main story in the coming months. Moreover, i plan on doing a sequel to "An amazon next door" in the future to see how Helena's and John's lives have panned out.

The Amazon duo - Chapter 5 is in full swing as Evelyn and Alyssa are on the hunt for the guy they spent the last night with. The chapter will rapidly progress as they bump into someone they didn't yet expect to see and from there they will learn a lot about something they couldn't have even imagined until recently. Evelyn and Alyssa will need to prepare as they are going to be put to a big test in their coming quest! Chapter 5 is going strong with a lot more to go. It is the second to last chapter. The last chapter, chapter 6 is going to be an insane one!

Heidi's discoveries - Chapter 4 of "Heidi's discoveries" has started with a lot of dialogue and exposition. Heidi has been put on the spot as the massive and still growing Aeryn is actively teasing her and making Heidi feel tiny and weak. Very soon though, their relationship will advance and the two will start working together on uncovering the ancient, long lost, Amazon secrets. A lot of uncanny experimentation, growth spurts and more await these two as they have to figure out what is actually going on. Chapter 4 of Heidi's discoveries has only just really started and this long intro with Aeryn and Heidi is just the first part of it. The chapter will be followed by a lot of time skips and fast paced and exciting scenes in the future during which we will see Heidi grow to ever bigger heights!

Tamara - Last month i've mentioned that i started writing Tamara chapter 9, and i have. The writing of it has been slower than i expected as i had to maintain the other 3 patreon stories and also study for exams. There is still more for me to cover before i start posing and making scenes but rest assured that i will begin with that during this month and you should expect the first previews in a couple of weeks. I don't yet have the release date. I mentioned last month that it will probably come out at the end of april which is not unlikely but it will most likely be during the first weeks of may. Whatever happens, i've begun the process which is for me the hardest part. After that is done everything else goes on smoothly. Moreover i now have much more free time since i'm done with exams for a while and also because An amazon next door is over. I don't have to add anything more than there was in the last update. Expect more updates in the future though.

The overall situation - With An amazon next door over, for the first time in a while there won't be 3 ongoing stories at the same time anymore. I plan on keeping it at two for the forseeable future, but don't think it means less content. Right now, apart from Heidi's discoveries and The Amazon duo, i am also developing Tamara chapter 9 which is taking a lot of time. When Tamara chapter 9 is done i will most likely immediately start on planning Tamara chapter 10 and 11 because they will be closely tied. I will also, whenever i can, be uploading more one-offs of the Amazons from The Amazon village with the goal of fleshing out their characters more. I think i've already talked about this in the past but with everything else happening i didn't have time for that too. Now, when i'm done with Tamara chapter 9 i will have a lot more time than before and be able to make these one-offs. They will be like the ones i've done before ("Amazon MILFs", "Scarlet having a bath", "POV caught by Chloe" etc.). I plan on doing this for all of them, at least for the ones we haven't seen so far outside of the character sheets and "The Origin of Amazons".

That's it for now, cya in the future

Byeeeee : )



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