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Hello everyone, first I want to let you know that I am very sorry for my absence this month, apparently the spare parts for my computer are very complicated to get and so it has not yet been fixed, for the moment I will wait to see if it can finally be Repaired, if I see that it takes too long or is simply not possible, then I think I will buy a new one, thanks to your support I have some money saved so it should not be a problem.

I leave this clear because I want you to know that very surely this month I will not be able to make any content for the patron, and I would not want you to make a donation without my giving you anything in return, so I suggest you consider canceling the donation at least that I solve the Problems that I have with my computer, besides, I do not want to accumulate requests without being clear if I can do something this month.

Also, I apologize for not having responded to the messages you have sent me, the only thing I can say is that without my computer at hand I can not finish sending the files but I assure you that as soon as this is resolved I will send and do everything I miss, I will make sure that everyone receives their rewards, the requests that have already been paid will be made as soon as I can, these have not been forgotten.

Finally and to clarify, if I see that my pc can not be fixed before the end of the year then I will buy a new one and then I will send the files that I am missing to send and I will do the images that I have not done yet.

Thank you for your continued support  and Happy holidays, I hope you do what you most enjoy.


Kinky no Kyoukai

No worries, thanks for the explanation! Just to check, would you rather I didn't pledge for the month and then use them for a 2 character request in January ? I'm fine doing that if you are, rather than cancelling.


thanks for being clear about it hope you get it fixed soon, just wanted to say you make great stuff and as soon as I saw you made a aqua pic I just wanted to donate. ill wait until your pc is fixed and hope to see more aqua maybe even a lightning and aqua pic anyway merry christmas :)