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Hello, due to constant harassment by Nintendo (although I think that it is idiot who just has some problem with me), I will erase the entire nintendo contents intumblr and continue posting only in HF and pixiv. 

I think I’ll create an original character and do everything I pleases with her hahahaha



The entire tumblr community needs to come together and make up Faketendo characters likePrincess Pitch, Legenf of Lenda, Ramus Nara, etc. Just similar but not the sane :P


hahahahahaha eso podria funcionar pero creo que esta es la excusa perfecta para crear un OC


I think it was that guy pretending to be a Nintendo employee.


Yes, it seems that, sadly tumblr does nothing the matter and may end up deleting accounts.

Just Passin By

Sorry to hear that. It sucks that there are people in this world that cannot let others enjoy what they want to especially if it's harmless. ¿Vas a seguir poniendo esas creaciones aquí también?


Si, tumblr es el problema, seguire posteandolas aqui aunque probablemente no las etiquete