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This last week, especially the last few days have given me a lot of problems, starting with problems with photoshop, forcing me to reinstall my wacom with all the problems that entails and use another version of PS that I am not used to besides blackouts, so tomorrow I will send the versions I have and I will upload the rest of the versions as soon as possible.

Sorry for the delays.



Take all the time you need! Dealing with unforseen problems can be a pain in the arse so I'd rather you have everything in working order first. ;))


I prefer you send everything in a single package once it's all finished


No need to apologize, your art is well worth the wait


d(‘-‘ )


No worries!

Gorilla Art

No problem bro take your time


Anyone get the packs yet? Just wanted to make sure mine wasnt missed or something, haven't seen them yet. No worries and no rush Kajin! :)