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Any of you support any artist on FanBox? how do people give rewards there? is there a message system or something?

just to clarificate, I am no planning on made less content for patreon, I am curious because if Fanbox work for me then I maybe will do content for fanbox and also give that content here in Patron.



I follow a..few. There's messaging system like Patreon where they drop links to Google Drive, Dropbox, Mega, or links that'll allow rewards to be downloaded as zips.


The artist that i have supported usually made the awards available as soon as they posted them but i think there's a way to do monthly thing but i only seen a couple artist on fanbox do that so i dont really know how it works


I've supported several artists on Fanbox over the years. I don't believe there is a messaging system. You make the post with the reward and anyone who is a supporter of that tier can grab it. Most of the creators on Fanbox, in my experience, don't really do the monthly content delivery kind of style and instead you can support at any time and get all past content. A few will move old content to a higher tier so if you want that stuff you have to pay more but very few actually go back and delete older posts to keep new people from getting those rewards. Edit: I just checked and there IS a messaging system but in all my years on the service I have not received a single message from any of the many artists I follow. It could be a potential avenue for content delivery but I'm not sure how it works. I don't know if new supporters can see older messages or not, but I doubt it.


mmmmmmm interesting

Klein Mcmurphy

Yes, same, also, sometimes artists post different variants on each site. Not really sure why, but it happens. But for the most part, I've seen the entirety of their rewards on the site. Also since Fanbox is an extension of the Japanese site Pixiv, everything is censored unlike Patreon.


so, pleople post censored stuff but then send uncensored by message system?

Klein Mcmurphy

No, it's always censored I believe. I've never received anything by message myself, so not sure in that regard. Also, @jujunaught on Twitter is definitely one artist that uses both Patreon and Fanbox if you wanted to DM them.


Yeah. I did briefly have a Fanbox creator's account, but being warned about that law is what made me choose take it down. I barely got anything from it anyway.


I do post on Fanbox. It's like a limited version of my cheapest Patreon tier. They get a censored post + access to my archive which happens to be uncensored :P