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The poll on the next 6fanarts was practically a draw, so I want to do both but the truth is that it would be a lot of work hahahaha, give me ideas on how we should proceed, so that it is fair and clear for everyone.

Let's suppose I do 3 and 3, so I should ask everyone a girl and I would choose who and from whom to make the butt and from which the boobs? I think that would be the simplest and most fair way, because if I ask you specifically for which butt and which boobs it could be very complicated.



3 boobs and 3 butts?


How about we split it, 3 butts and 3 boobs?


3 boobs (up) and 3 butts (down) PD: i love democracy xd


3 butts and 3 boobs and 3 characters instead of 6

Mr Balin

2 boobs - 2 ass - 2 poses that include both? Lateral shots or something...


I think you could choose 3 characters and do both boobs and ass for each, or (in my opinion the trickiest option) choose 6 characters and put them on a pose that has boobs and ass in the same frame


I do not want to repeat characters in this series, so I will not do a character 2 times (boobs and butt) and I do not like the idea of doing poses where the boobs and butt are visible, is hard to do it well and I do not like the idea.

Patrick Monroe

I’m all for splitting it 3 and 3! I voted for butt, but I believe we can find peace between the Boob and Butt tribes. 💪🏻


just do three boobs and three butts.


3 and 3 sounds fun, if you can introduce a random element so that you still have 6 gals suggested but you don't know whose butts and whose boobs will be on the chart


3 and 3 sound good. I mean since Boobs and Cheeks come in pairs we're still getting 6

Will Martin-Foster

Quality is nothing that can be rushed. If it means getting less fan art in exchange for 3 butts/boobs, then that's a sacrifice I'm willing to accept.


3 and 3 is good


If it were me I would say 6 boob but 3-3 will keep the common folk happy 😄


3/3 seems the only way


Why not just draw butts with nipples?

Matty Thunders

decide for each individual character depending on if she's better known for her ass or tiddies

Just Passin By (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-20 11:06:46 Half & Half seems fair since it was a draw. I'm in the booty camp. Asking us which girl to include is nice as well so I'm down for that idea too.
2020-07-30 00:28:29 Half & Half seems fair since it was a draw. I'm in the booty camp. Asking us which girl to include is nice as well so I'm down for that idea too.

Half & Half seems fair since it was a draw. I'm in the booty camp. Asking us which girl to include is nice as well so I'm down for that idea too.


If there is one character with an overwhelming number of requests, I wouldn't mind a 2/2/1, where they get both.