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Hi all! I send this message to everyone.

first of all I apologize to everyone for the low activity during the last week, as I had already told you before, I had problems with people canceling their pledge and other things, this was my first full month and was a test . After seeing everything that happened I decided I'll change some things in the rewards, I will focus more on NSFW work and I will not do things as tutorials or step by step, starting this month, unless you ask me otherwise, but I have not noticed much intreses on that this month.

On the other hand, once the pledge are confirmed I will send you the relevant contents of November. With regard to the patreon request (commissions), after everything that happened I decided not to finish or send any commission until pledge are confirmed (this includes sketches), I hope you understand, I do not want to work for free, in case something happened, sorry if this bothers but I need to be honest. Among those who had canceled was the people who asked me to reveal the contents before the month was over. So I have to be more careful from now on.

From now on I'll keep sending additional content and makes commissions when payments are confirmed.

Again I hope you understand and thank you very much for your support.



I don't think any of us would be bothered by this, it all seems sensible and realistic. You are not a non for profit artist so there's nothing wrong with seeking security before doing any work :)


By step by step do you mean these <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/touko-gym-2-3639196">https://www.patreon.com/posts/touko-gym-2-3639196</a> please keep them as rewards, I like them. I hope you still keep the psd, sketchs, poses,angles, and test of all pics its why Im patroning. Also try setting up the online store.