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Every month I get emails saying that many false accounts joined my patreon, and I mean many, easily 1 or 2 a day, and when I post something can reach 5 or 6 false accounts in a single day. I guess people think that I post all the other versions here, well it happens that sometimes they are very lazy and just hit the keyboard to name these accounts hahahaha.

This is the main reason why I usually do not take into consideration or do not respond to the comments of people who recently joined my patreon, I only have in consideration the comments of those who have already confirmed a pledge, until then I will consider that This could be a false temporary account.

The second reason why I do not usually respond to comments is because English is not my primary language so to answer I have to think how to say things and I am not always sure to say things well, so many times I prefer not to answer. this applies to all my social webs




That's fine if you don't always reply hope and i hope the fake account issue gets solved on patreon in some way soon.

Just Passin By

I say not to worry too much. Good thing you can catch these fake accounts and put them where they belong. Hopefully they don't waste too much of your time. Pretty reasonable about taking your time to respond. I also wish that Patreon provides a good solution for all creators to deal with this widespread issue sooner rather than later. Thank you for sharing this as its nice (at least for me) to see behind the curtain so to speak with what creators go through.

Artwork Cari Studio

Still not realy get it.. So some accounts beame patrons and it is bad? My patrons can hurt me??